Bug with Ragnaros

That’s odd. It worked for our entire raid group. We all stood still when they queued, and didn’t move or touch a button until it was gone. The swirl didn’t do it’s usual thing where it just pops right back up. But keep trying, seems to be pretty random.

I got stuck in a group that mostly spoke Spanish and they couldn’t understand the no move part and of course the Bug came again and cost me 64 more gold added to over 1,000 gold I have spent just trying to get Rag down.

Sometimes you spawn into Rag fight right on a bomb and it’s insta wipe

Someone was saying in chat that the cuase of the issue is porting into the instance while being on a mount. Don’t know if that is it but something for people to try that read this.

My last try I wasn’t mounted and I didn’t move one bit…still again with the looping…

Another issue that I just found on the Cata event. We zoned in to start, and no Chromie. Had to leave group, then queue all over again.

Typically Blizzard can’t do anything right. How the hell does this crap make it into live? Seriously Blizzard, make sure you new content actually works before releasing it to live.

Funny - I encountered a different bug. Entire raid zoned into a magma trap, insta-wiped us.

We had that happen once as well.

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This is nuts…now we are having to fight Rag with no pets…zone and can’t move for so long even if zoned on top of fire…its BS

It took me 3 runs to do this.

First time the raid spawned right into the orbs and wiped.
Second time half the raid got stuck in the time loop then d/c.
Third time everyone d/c continuously.

I got ported to the entrance of Firelands mid fight and didn’t get the achievement.

Same here, done the fight about 8 times. everytime he gets to 40% i get teleported while the rest of the raid downs him. no quest credit, no loot. i gave up. From what ive seen, looks like its only happening to rogues

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It bugs out because of people leaving the pillars in the Nef fight.

Yep, just ported me to the entrance of the firelands again.

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