Multiple instances of bugged warfront - Always @ Maev - not able to start the last step. Most people in the raid with me are suggesting they have seen it three and four times TODAY as they try to finish this warfront once. Most of them say that this seems to happen when we progress too far without all of the buildings built. Part of this is that many players have been trained in Arathi that only a few folks are needed for the buildings - many players don’t even know that is a thing. With Darkshore, becasue we cannot get carts of ore or cut down trees, we are gated by the rate at which the chest fills. If we dont have enough people that know they have to come back to town and build buildings, we have a bugged instance. My most recent instance bugged about 7:10 pm EST, Baelgun, Avéry - Ret Pally.
As this takes 15-20 minutes to get to this failed end - this is SUPER painful to do all of this work and then have it bug at the very last step. Would be super awesome if you could fix this BS asap.
Confirming Avery’s post.
I am currently in a Darkshore warfront and Maiev is standing on the final platform, but nothing is happening. It looks like the script stopped working and fight with Sira does not start.
The raid is basically stuck in the warfront instance.
SSkilla 5:30 PM PST on Lightbringer.
Sick of seeing this broken instance without a way to get it to reset. Players pour in even after being hit with a 30min penalty and still get placed back into the broken instance.
Just joined an instance with the exact same problem. If I leave and queue again with another character I’m going to join the same bugged one. Not even worth to queue right now.
Had it happen three times today so far. Currently waiting on another deserter debuff to tick down to try again.
The debuff in particular is really frustrating. If they can’t fix their game they should at least remove that from getting applied. Ugh.
Is it still happening after maintenance?
Yep …just had a bugged one now came out of …
This only bugs out if you don’t finish the objectives in order (kill the 2 robots before building glaives). Just spam chat for people to build glaives or the warfront will bug out and pray people listen.
Wrong first one I did today earlier we had to get off the boat ourselves and walk too the shore…when we got there…there was no mobs at all…
That’s because you joined a warfront that bugged out. To prevent the bug, you have to build glaives BEFORE killing the mekabots. If you kill the mekbots then you’re out of luck.
Just had this showstopper. Interaction with boss wouldn’t progress on the final battle. The whole group had to just leave the instance, it was pretty gutting after all of that work.
Apparently it’s linked to not using Glaive Throws
Seriously, been in these like 6 times already and had to leave to get a 30m penalty. Wtf.
Also why am I able to join a war front that has already started? Wtf is that? I have never joined a war front that had already started till this bugged one happened.
May I assume this what you get when you have less QA people in your walls now? Blizzard let go a lot of people this game will be worth and buggy with every patch now I think.
Just ran into this myself. Joined the warfront into a bugged instance. Now have to wait 30 minutes to try again. this blows. come on blizzard fix this crap
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Stop giving people deserter for leaving a broken scenario
Stop giving people deserter for leaving a broken scenario
Stop giving people deserter for leaving a broken scenario
Stop giving people deserter for leaving a broken scenario
This isn’t that hard. Disable the deserter debuff or fix the system and make it fail proof. Making it fail proof will be harder than removing the debuff.
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Still unfix but desert debuff seems disabeled now.