[Bug] Prismatic Snapdragon Mount

Unfortunately, right now on PTR, we see some weird things happening when different characters use the mount/treats:

  • Changing the color to standard Teal on one character forces the whole account to use Teal, but at least all characters can properly ride the mount.

  • Changing the color to something other than Teal on one character bugs the mount for every character who was never using a treat or a Teal treat as their last color changer (cast channels but the character won’t be mounted when it finishes)

  • When we switch away from Teal on one character, other characters return to the last treat color they were using (with the mount being bugged when it was Teal).

Overall, it seems that you intend to make the different colors of the mount character-specific, which would be my preferred solution. So this should look like this:

  • All characters should be able to properly mount the standard Teal Prismatic Snapdragon, whether they were ever using treats or what other characters did with their treats.

  • Changing the color with treats should only flag the character who was using them and never affect the account / other characters.