On the Razorgore encounter--the first boss in BWL. We were able to mind control the first time. But, we were unable to use the orb a second time. We attempted this at least 5 times with different people clicking on the Mind Control Orb.
I believe the orb is bugged.
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I can confirm that... Just spent an hour and a half on the encounter. We've been able to MC either one or two times, but then the orb is no longer usable. Then we all go boom. Very frustrating.
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I ran into this issue in the past. It seems to come from one of two sources:
Either the person who MC'ed last or who is about to MC has a pet.
Someone is clicking the orb too quickly after MC ends or multiple people are trying to click at once.
It's been awhile since I've looked at it, but it was one of those problems, I just can't remember which.
Either the person who MC'ed last or who is about to MC has a pet.
Someone is clicking the orb too quickly after MC ends or multiple people are trying to click at once.
It's been awhile since I've looked at it, but it was one of those problems, I just can't remember which.
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It was a rogue and a DK switching off, no pets.
And 2, after the MC ended we were waiting for the symbol to come back up for the orb... never did.
And 2, after the MC ended we were waiting for the symbol to come back up for the orb... never did.
OK so I literally just tried this with a lvl 60 pally and myself. The pally had no issues clicking/dismissing/ and re clicking the MC orb. I tried it "with my pet out" and could not click it at all. The second I dismissed my pet I had full abilities to use the orb. I'm pretty sure the bug has been fixed, we had an issue with the second Razorgore was not MCd after the fight had been started he would do what he normally would after he died and "taking us with him" and wiping everyone, note: he was at full health indefinitely.
This bug ha not been fixed. I just tried running it with 4 other 85's. Just as something to do. MCed him one and then twice, but after loosing the MC we blew up. Not knowing what happened. But this bug has not been fixed.
Yeah, I can confirm this bug... I was with my warlock, but without my pet the orb works... ^^ well, I deleted my cache too, so idk... =x
Just another great job by blizzard
yeah its a pet thing, tried it on my warlock this week and had the same issue
Bug still not fixed..... Tried a few times today before I found this thread..... Orb wouldn't work with my pet out, but as soon as I dismissed him, it worked fine.
Just tried it with my 85 hunter friend. Had the same problem and we went through the dungeon about 7 times (with only me clicking the orb, ik it was taxing) and realized Razergore was considered a pet. Dismissing his pet allowed him to MC which made it much, much simpler. idk about you guys, but dismissing any player-controlled AI worked for us.
Guys, clicking the orb puts a debuff on you preventing you from using the orb again for 1 minute.
The debuff is applied the very first time you click. You have to be careful because often there is a delay before the mind control takes over, and your first thought is that you missed on the click, causing you to click again and cancel the mind control yet giving you the debuff.
The orb is sensitive, only click ONCE and wait to see if it worked.
I solo this all the time on my warrior, and at first I was stumped by the orb too.
The debuff is applied the very first time you click. You have to be careful because often there is a delay before the mind control takes over, and your first thought is that you missed on the click, causing you to click again and cancel the mind control yet giving you the debuff.
The orb is sensitive, only click ONCE and wait to see if it worked.
I solo this all the time on my warrior, and at first I was stumped by the orb too.
Issue is still heppening, it worked once.. then didnt work, first time it worked i had my pet out... now it wont at all
Did with hunter still not working with pet out... 3 years now gj
just tried again with new hunter and still same problem I cannot click the orb. Fix the old stuff before making the new stuff. Please and Thank you!
Same problem with a Warlock.
Did you dismiss your pet and did you make sure to not move while clicking?
Its still a terrible mechanic that has not been fixed, unnecessary deaths and repairs just to piss people off. I don't understand programming nerds mind-set, "lets make a button that F#*@s with people". I didn't raid this back in the day, and i'm really glad I didnt, I would have raged. The tips Blizz offer on some of the loading screens basically tell you the most obvious/common stuff, but something like...don't use a pet when trying this mechanic on this fight aren't a thought.
still not working wtf guys.
Still not working with my warlock either. :\ C'mon Blizz