[Bug] Issue with Orb in Blackwing Lair

09/05/2017 09:14 PMPosted by Sheythis
Still not working with my warlock either. :\ C'mon Blizz

Dat necro guys. Just to add if you have a pet out like imp, hunter pet, water ele etc... dismiss it and then it will work.
ccouldn't get it to work either
Just like everybody else in this thread who is a Hunter or Warlock, you have to dismiss your pet before you even touch the orb. Razorgore control is implemented using the pet interface and will not work correctly if you already have a pet.

Just for posterity sake this ^%&t killed my warlock with and without her “pet”.

No problem with my warrior or paladin or hunter without her pets though she did drop some health from being whaled on by the adds.

This has been an issue since 2011?!
Crazy it’s 2024 this has been a bug for 13 years

This bug is still not fixed, right click on the orb of domination does nothing.

[edit] Found an old post on /r if you are one of the pet classes like mine, you have to unsummon the pet. Razorgore occupies the pet slot? Anyway, that was it.

I find it mildly amusing Razorgore is bugged more or less every time this game is updated. Even as far back as Wrath every patch broke Razorgore (Don’t remember TBC, nobody on my server did legacy raids).