Bug: Issue With Mailbox When You Die On Hardcore - A Message for Kaivax

Hi Kaivax,

If you send an item to a friend on hardcore and then they die before they go to their mailbox, they are unable to delete their character or move character to another realm. They are also unable to press return in the mail or delete their mail. Can you please let the team know about this small oversight.

Perhaps make it so you can ‘Return’ and ‘Delete’ mail when you are a ghost?



All you can do is make a suggestion ingame about this. Or wait 30 days for it to be returned.

Oh yeah, that might be a workaround!

There’s a thread on this here:

Figured this out - had the same thing happen the other day. Blizzard offers a service to let you return sent mail. It worked perfectly and I get everything back I sent to my dead character.
