[Bug Confirmed] Burden of Power bugged 9/17

Title - instead of BP, GI is proccing.


Ok so its not just me then. Maybe Blizz said nerf Arcane more take Burden away all together

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I cant tell if its not proccing or if its getting instantly consumed, but on the rare occasion that i proc my last spellfire sphere with something other than blast/barrage, i do get a BP. every other time, skips BP straight to GI

Yeah it procs with barrage, but not with blast…

And sometimes it seems that is totally random with barrage too.

Can confirm, it’s definitely not working as it should.

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just got out dpsed by 2 dps way lower than me in gs - i stomped them 3 days ago - tehy broke the arcane mage

tbf, id assume its a dps loss but would need to confirm

Hmm, I hadn’t noticed this. Although I guess that shouldn’t be a surprise considering there really isn’t anything to notice since BoP doesn’t have a visual. But I am definitely still seeing the GI meteorites dropping so obviously that part is working. I have my 2 piece now which offset the base damage nerf to AB and ABarr and I can’t say I’ve really seen any significant change in DPS.

Yeaaah, pretty annoying bug.

Is this a confirmed bug by blizzard anywhere, i cannot get Burden of Power to proc, only Glorious Incandescence…

So it looks like they tried to fix this but now its broken in a new way. Blast is working as before, however barrage has lost the ability to transition from 5/6 spheres to 6/6 creating the orb and granting Burden of Power. If you jsut spam barrage it will build up to 5/6, then 6/6 and it will sit there at 6/6 no matter how many times you cast until you cast Blast instead at which point it finally rolls over and grants the orb and Burden.

Come on blizz if you’re going to keep nerfing us at least dont also break the functionality or core hero talents…

I genuinely have no idea what you’re talking about. The Spellfire Spheres do not correspond to the Burden of Power stacks and you can only have 5 spheres out at a time and only if you are specced into Rondurmancy. It’s only the Burden of Power that stacks up to 6. You seem to be confused.

Go to a target dummy and hit only barrage, no rotation or anything. You’ll get to 6 and instead of rolling over and granting burden it’ll stay there waiting for you to cast blast.

There’s 2 buffs; spellfire sphere and spellfire spheres, the latter stacks to 6 then rolls over granting the first and also giving you the burden buff. This is what is not rolling over with barrage. I understand your confusion as blizzard really didn’t need to name them the same thing just with an s added.

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Thats not how it works at all. When casting barrage or blast you gain “Spellfire Spheres” (the icon looks like a small blue orb with fire surrounding it), every 6th one creates a “Spellfire Sphere” two completly different things (why blizz named them the same who knows). We normally never see a 6/6 “Spellfire Spheres” because on 6 it drops off and you gain the “Spellfire Sphere” (which is the one youre thinking of which goes to 5). When you gain the “Sphere” you also get Burden of Power which does not stack.

The current state of the bug is that is you are at 5/6 “SphereS” and Barrage it goes to 6/6 and… just stays there. The aura never converts into the “Sphere”. It does seem to now reliably work with Blast when its 5/6 where yesterday it was almost random if you could get Burden of Power at all. Apparently if its 6/6 if you blast it will finally roll over; hmm.

you beat me to it, lol. Ty!

Can confirm that barrage IS NOT triggering burden of power or granting a spell sphere.

No that’s exactly how it works.

I didn’t realize you were talking about the buff and thought that you were referring to the actual Spellfire Spheres around your head.

Thanks for clearing it up. This is why I call the buff “Burden of Power” stacks, to differentiate it from the physical Spellfire Spheres and to avoid the inherent confusion with Blizzard’s nomenclature.

Yeah it’s most definitely bugged and annoying as hell especially if you use weakauras to track them and it goes to 6/6 instead of turning to burden of power and habit causes you to dump charges instead of getting your refunded 4. Having to cast blast to kinda reset to start working again

This has now been fixed.

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Has it? Can anyone else confirm? I can’t login right now, and the hotfix notes aren’t published yet.

Just saw this was posted:

According to this, they say it’s fixed, but it isn’t? Confusing wording.

Hotfix notes dropped: