[Bug Confirmed] Burden of Power bugged 9/17

Everything is working as it should be as far as I can tell, my rotation is back to feeling smooth. When I posted it was fixed I was able to generate burden of power reliably with both blast and barrage, and it seems like the correct things are consuming the correct buffs and generating them.


It has been fixed and everything is working as intended. The Wowhead article is confusing because Porom used it to rage at the devs and basically went on a rant.

I really don’t understand this feud that all the content creators seem to be engaged in with the devs over these obscure gimmicks that they love to use and that apparently the devs are now cracking down on. It’s kinda exhausting to watch what’s essentially a :sweat_drops: contest unhold, tbh.

Ah, yeah I tried not to read into that too much.
After doing some keys tonight, it’s much smoother than last night was for sure.

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They seem to have fixed what they said they had, but now barrage is consuming glorious incandescence on the cast it was procced on. so its proccing glorious incandescence as the spell is cast (before consuming burden of power), consuming burden of power and glorious incandescence as the spell lands, and all on the same spell string. you can see it happen in your combat log.

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