Bug: 6th action bar position resetting

Simple issue here. I use 6 action bars on my display, The 6th action bar will not remain where I put it in edit mode, it constantly reverts to the upper left position on the screen. Further, if you do the “fashion Frenzy” event, it will move the bar to overlap with the 5th action bar. In short, the action bar will not remain where you placed it whenever the UI is reloaded in game. This only began occurring since the newest patch dropped.


same issue for me but with my 5th action bar

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seconded, logging out, entering vehicles or anything that temporarily overrides your action bar ui will reset the layout and either shift action bar 6 to the top left or stack bars directly on top of each other forcing you to re apply the layout in edit mode every time. incredibly annoying, opened ticket and was told something that didn’t fix it and to post here.


Same issue with me. Action Bar 6 either goes to the top left corner (probably resets to 0,0 coordinates), or half slides on top of the action bar below it. Happened to me just now on login.


For me it’s, Action Bar 4, 6, 7, and 8, cast bar, pet bar, and sometimes Objective list.

Going into edit mode and leaving sets it back for me (without selecting a layout) but that has to be done every time I login on any character. Just switch characters and It’s messed up. This is even after the UI is completely reset, and scan and repair.


Getting the same issue here for my 3rd action bar. Regardless of how many times I save my UI layout, the third action bar resets its position whenever I relog.

The same is happening with my stance bar and “exit vehicle” button.


A bit of further testing has revealed that using the “/reload ui” command can also cause this bug to resurface, confirming that whenever the UI is reloaded it resets the position of my 6th Action bar.

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No solution but I’m having the same issue with 1 action bar teleporting to the top of the screen every time I relog. It’s driving me bananas.


I have exact same problem with 6th bar. Always resets to upper left position. All other action bars stay the same, except that one. Very annoying.

same issue for me too

bar 6 snapping to the left for me too.

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Not fixed in the patch.

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Just updating my own post to say this problem has not been addressed as of the 30th of the month.

same issue for me all week, 6th action bar either resets to top left or overlaps my 5th bar. comes up at random and whenever theres a ui change like vehicles etc.

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I have the same error with the game’s HUD, when I enter the game, change character and relog, the bar #6 changes location.
It’s a nuisance, I sent a ticket in which they don’t give me a solution.

Glad it’s not just me… I ended up making a macro that re-applies my current Layout:

    /run C_EditMode.SetActiveLayout(C_EditMode.GetLayouts().activeLayout)

So now all I have to do is click a button in my sidebar to fix it when I log in.


Same issue for me except also bar 7 along with bar 6.

Still having this issue on my end too

I was getting a lua error every time I used edit mode and this behaviour was happening with action bar 4 and 5. The lua error i was receiving mentioned BossTargetFrameContainer. I disabled the Boss Frames checkbox and I can now position these action bars where I want them without them reverting.

Same, mine is Action bar 3 hat shows up at top of screen on log in. Started after the 11.05 update. I use no plugins and deleted the World of Warcraft_retail_\WTF folder.