Buffs! moar please

These buffs are basically buffing the same things as the last two buffs we got. I get if they buff anything else we’d also get insane AoE buffs as well. But it feels bad when our set revolves around eye beam and eye beam is just something we press so we can do actual damage.

Cycle of hatred is also really bad for us since we’re perpetually out of sync between eye beam and essence break especially on any boss fights with mechanics that lowers our uptime. Speaking of which, serrated glaive got a buff to be our ST talent yet no one uses it because of uptime on boss. Which also added another maintenance debuff to our maintenance buff.

If they’re going to keep buffing felblade l, make it so felblade gives us momentum. Cause unless felblade does insane amounts of damage, fel rush will always be a better fury generator because it gives us momentum.

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vengful retreat into death

very true and further makes break more powerful than it already is by magnitudes.

these should be nurfs not buffs wtf who is running this sinking boat lol

Main issue HDH have is similar to WW monk our a lot ST damage ability also happens to do AoE damage and they are at good AoE. So buffing these abilities also buff our AoE damage (which be are already good at).

So unless abilities gets a redesign or major class tree change there isn’t much blizzard can do other than buffing our only ST ability but let’s face it it still hits like a wet noodle. Not to mention in meta our ability hits harder so another thing blizzard have to think.

Take fury warrior for example to do AoE outside and major abilities CD they use WW and that turns their next 2 or 4(depend of the talent or not) to hit up to 5 additional targert. This make it easy to do tunning.

I just came back to say Momentum stinks and I don’t like it.

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Monk is significantly higher than havoc DH. Serenity paired with other things blows havoc away all the time


Na, new relentless build is going dummy on ST, nobody touches me except unholy and a few casters. I’m doing 180-200k overall in keys with Crit/Haste GT build. None of these people know how to play dh.