Buff X45 Heartbreaker MORE

If you delete void elves from your account thr drop rate goes higher

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Please god
go outside for once.

that’s our goal, if there’s a better solution then we can go outside :slight_smile: help us.


Well, technically, they did double the drop rate.
So. …

Funny thing, this is the first time I ever done this event and I have been playing since BC. Got the mount.

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yes. after 17 years of farming, i’d like it to be guaranteed.


Yea, cause 1% drop chance is guaranteed drop by the end of the event :roll_eyes:

why not just increase the chance for getting the thing a bit each time you do it by a small amount, kind of like legion legendaries worked. its a mount that can only be farmed for a few weeks once a year so this offers some bad luck protection while still not giving it “for free”


Yep, Blizzard can buff the drop rate 100x, but that would still be what, 3%? Bottom line is nothing will ever be enough unless these people are guaranteed the mount. Sad, really.

Hey, news flash GD, you probably won’t get this mount this year. You probably won’t get it next year either. That doesn’t mean they didn’t do exactly what you asked.


I would be in support of this but only if they retroactively do it for people who have been trying to get this thing for years on x alts too.


The correct way to address this issue would have been to make the mount purchasable with event currency. Giving you a guarantee after x YEARS of grinding.


Stop calling it by the wrong name, it’s called the Big Love Rocket. Not X45 Heartbreaker. I don’t care if they changed the name, it’ll a always be the big love rocket in my heart.


I disagree. Let them eat cake…it’s not a lie.
(sitting on my new X45 that dropped for me in the first run of the day after 15yrs of trying)

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Woah there big boy. We don’t take kindly to reasonable and logical solutions 'round these here parts!


I’m thinking that every box that doesn’t have the mount should have a “bad luck” ticket. When you get “enough” tickets, you turn them in and you get a buff that makes the drop rate 50% for every box you farm on every alt on your account. Still won’t be a guaranteed drop, but it will be close enough that most people should get it.

How many tickets is “Enough?” Well, that would be up to Blizz, but I would make it a low enough number that even players with only one character will have time to farm the box at the buffed rate for at least a few days before the holiday ends.

Full disclosure: I’ve had that mount for a while now, and I don’t care if everyone with an active account got one free in the mail just for logging in.


I wouldn’t be against that, as long as it’s acc-wide currency.

The reason I’ve got an acc full of 50-60 alts is because of the heartbreaker. Would hate to see that turned into a waste of time.


give an inch, you demand a mile.

they should remove the buff

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I got mine last year. 40 toons a day x 3 days. Try harder.

2 full accounts for years, still no luck…but grats!

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So many people like “omg u all just want it 100%” are totally incorrect. What we want is a reasonable drop rate, is that so much to ask? Literally no one would be complaining if it was buffed to 3% like the Brewfest mounts and only the absolute worst of the worst would complain if it was buffed to 1% for every attempt.

The thing is, this change didn’t fix the stated problem which was having to run through on alt after alt for something that is ridiculously rare. No one is saying “Oh, it needs to be 100% so I definitely get it this year first try” but if someone is running literally 50 times per day, for 14 days? Yeah, they deserve a bloody good chance of getting it. Personally I can only run it about 17 times per day, because I don’t have a HUGE alt army.

I’ve run this dungeon 1213 times as of today. Is asking for a 1% chance to see it drop each try from now on REALLY asking that much?