Buff X45 Heartbreaker MORE

I’m thinking that’s what this is, in the end.

Yes it’s unfun to do this on an army of alts and get nothing. So now instead of that you can only get something for your first try! But it’s still too low.

That’s not how this works, we’re going to use the alt army anyways, the part that needs to changed for us to have fun with this is to actually be able to loot the mount without having to win the lottery.

Aka: 1% drop chance every kill, or add it to a vendor as others have said, and let us work towards it. That’s all we want.


It was his first run today, but we’ve been playing for many years.

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I’m sorry, that’s what I meant, first run today. :dracthyr_heart:

one day it takes them usually at least a week to change stuff you have to critique immediatley


what makes it worse is the fact that they started brainstorming a year ago and this is all they came up with.


It’ll be actually heard us if the Reward Dev provided an insight of this outcome after 1 year of brainstorming and thinking about a solution, because the solution doesn’t seem to fulfill the OG issue that even Chimes mentioned, current solution still push players to play every alt possible and also the part that should be more important as mentioned by Dev. "Yep, this isn’t fun. "


Don’t mind me, I’m just casually riding through on my Big Love Rocket.



A whole year and this is what we got… :skull:

Maybe if we were actually being listened to, this post wouldn’t have to be made.

The call for making this a flat 1% or adding it to a vendor were done last year and again when the world bosses got that treatment. Yet Heartbreaker farmers got screwed over, still.

Let’s just hope changes can be made before the event ends.

On a positive note though: I like how the lootboxes no longer have a loot window and just give you the loot in 1 go. That’s nice.


I believe they never intended to heard and change world bosses but Evoker’s bug force them to actually change their drop rate.


imo, also revert the change from a couple years ago that keeps the mount from dropping for characters under 60. why curtail people playing their alts who really want that mount???


Maybe. But with it being so well received, you’d think that’d be a lesson learned about too-low dropchance mounts not being fun to farm.

Guess not.


That change just represent that Devs see rewards like a way to keep us playing and it just cause frustation, because that change was added in order to avoid collectors using Allied races for another attempt.Instead of doing something good about the drop rate year ago, they added more restrictions.


If you delete void elves from your account thr drop rate goes higher

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Please god
go outside for once.

that’s our goal, if there’s a better solution then we can go outside :slight_smile: help us.


Well, technically, they did double the drop rate.
So. …

Funny thing, this is the first time I ever done this event and I have been playing since BC. Got the mount.

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yes. after 17 years of farming, i’d like it to be guaranteed.


Yea, cause 1% drop chance is guaranteed drop by the end of the event :roll_eyes:

why not just increase the chance for getting the thing a bit each time you do it by a small amount, kind of like legion legendaries worked. its a mount that can only be farmed for a few weeks once a year so this offers some bad luck protection while still not giving it “for free”