Buff warrior - remove titans grip penalty

nerf AD so it doesn’t have the auto-save ability and that will change.


Which isn’t happening

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Neither is a fury buff :man_shrugging:

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Yeah quite possibly

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No shot.

The data is right here.

That’s with smourn, even if you removed it which is around 800-1000 DPS.

Even removing 1,000 DPS they are still upper middle.

Stop the cap

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It’s closer to 1500 dps and that also assumes Glorenzelg off H LK lol

Without them they are bottom tier

Good enough to stack literally requires it to be the best spec at DPS in the game. That’s the only way DPS specs get stacked.

Warrior representation of a whole isn’t going to get better with Fury buffs. Fury is already as well represented as it could be as a non-top DPS spec.

Modest buffs wouldn’t make the top guilds start bringing extra Fury warriors.

Fury is already good enough that no guild under the top will notice a loss if they bring multiple (assuming the Fury warriors know what they are doing).

The only thing that would fix “warrior” representation would be making prot warrior more desirable (but in all honesty, that would likely require nerfing prot paladin to not have cheat death, because average mitigation and threat are fairly comparable between the tanks, and most people that wanted to tank in wrath went Paladin already, so you’d have to make them bad enough to be abandoned).

By “stacked” I simply mean good enough to bring more than 1

That doesn’t require being the top DPS spec

You can literally sim it.

Take off the legendary and sim it with the next best weapon and show your results.

I’m on my cell phone and can’t.

They are, just not when you are building your group to beat the raid in the literal fastest time possible.

Swapping an aff lock for a second fury warrior adds like 3 seconds to your kill time.

I’m on my phone too but I recall it being about 1400 dps give or take

Warrior discord said around 1,000 so idk I will sim when I get home.

If you remove 1,000 DPS they are upper B or low A tier without a legendary

it is true. ffs.

yeah 1h had to be scaled accordingly. And after they ADMITTED that TG was nothing more than an Aesthetic talent then players eventually wanted exactly what you are talking about. They wanted to be able to use 1handers again. But because they had been scaled down, the only solution was to add a talent and i don’t remember what it was called. Single minded fury or something like that. it didn’t happen in wotlk but it happened in a later expansion.

I don’t know why this is difficult for some ppl to understand. A class can do a set amount of damage and that set amount is determined by blizz. Meaning that they decide each class will do approximately 8k dps. ( for example ). then they decided to add a talent to warriors called Titans grip. And because they were now using 2 2h, they were doing way more than the target 8k damage. So blizz nerfed it. nerfed it back down until they were in the 8k damage range. they did it by scaling the amount of damage that all warrior weapons do and by increasing the miss chance. SO, with that said, the only thing that changed was that you now see your character with 2 2handers instead of 2 1handers. The output remains at 8k. and they nerfed it and nerfed it until they found the spot they wanted.

Here is a part of an article from 2008 about it.

[Titan’s Grip] in case there are any of you in the audience who are not familiar with it, is the Fury Warrior 51-point talent. It allows the warrior to wield two 2-handed weapons (or a 2h and a shield, I guess, if they wanted to). Pretty awesome, right? Yes. But as a counterbalance, to make sure Fury isn’t doing overly insane DPS, it imposes a penalty in the form of a decreased chance to hit with “damage-dealing abilities that require a weapon” (i.e. most special attacks). That decrease started out at 15%, and was changed to 12% before 3.0.2 went live. Ghostcrawler has now announced that they’re [changing it again] ( link ) , to only 5% decreased chance to hit with special attacks .

Which shows exactly what i said. They allowed you to use 2 handers but then nerfed the output until u were right back in line with other dps classes.

I’ve seen about 1300 thrown around, which would put fury at about Ret paladin levels WITH Shadowmourne and our buff. Maybe a bit under that depending on where tiny abom ends up as a trinket.

Link me logs where a warrior is doing this.

I’ll wait

That link I posted above you can sim it.

Just take off the legendary and put the next best weapon.

I just can’t do it on my phone

Titan’s grip nerf happened later into the expansion so yes they are clearly underperforming from what they did without that nerf in OG WOTLK.

1K is the lower end of the spectrum. So the vast majority of fury won’t see it and be lucky reach bottom of B tier, and the same issue remains where fury is only desired for sunder and commanding and remains the weakest class in the game (alongside maybe hunters)

Literally read what you quoted

it imposes a penalty in the form of a decreased chance to hit with “damage-dealing abilities that require a weapon” (i.e. most special attacks). That decrease started out at 15%, and was changed to 12% before 3.0.2 went live. Ghostcrawler has now announced that they’re [changing it again] ( link ) , to only 5% decreased chance to hit with special attacks .

That is not the same as a -10% damage done penalty and has completely changed how they gear, and their damage output in classic WOTLK. Blame Blizzard for making us play on the last patch of the expansion.