Please buff bm hunter and my druid I love my druid and also my favorite spec is BM and its too hard to win at 1800+ because our damage and survivability isn’t that great. Maybe we can get more representation by BM because it seems like at high rating its all survival hunters. Thanks
You need therapy
I agree buff mindblast
Thank god for that. SV is a respectable spec.
I’d like to think this dude is trolling with his posts, but this is his first season at 1800 being carried by how broken bm is and he suddenly thinks he got good and his class is the problem.
dunning kruger effect: a bm egoing at 1800
I’m a female you idiot. You clearly proved my point saying you can’t read by calling me a dude.
Oof it was really easy to strike a cord on this one, what a softie. FYI females can be called dudes too.
100% Christieboo vibes.
pls no not again
I’m gonna tell you one thing that’s making your character weaker than it already is: You’re running crit/vers with Vers/Mastery…
Since 90% of your damage as Beast Mastery is going to be from Cobra Shot and Barbed Shot, you need to keep that uptime and run haste/vers instead. You’ll need the focus to burst faster and deal better damage.
It’s why you think BM needs a buff, you need to swap to all haste/vers and you’ll start destroying people.
You said he and him though… so dumb
I should have called you “it”, my bad. I could then have combined it with “sh” because that’s you.
bm damage takes 1 single braincell to maximize, but no spec in modern wow takes more than 3
Prove it to everyone and play something else
I know it isn’t considered a “hard” spec to play but Elemental Shaman is certainly hard for me. Needing to Ground mid GCD feels awful.
Also, I haven’t noticed a difference between DH players and BM players regardless of where I am playing. Maybe it is my inexperience but I can’t tell a difference between a 1400 or 2100 player of these two above mentioned specs.
damage wise there probably isn’t a difference if the 1400 player pves, it’s more about defensive usage/timing. also it’s easier for me to kite a glad ww/warrior/rogue than it is a 1400 dh with felblade bound.
more ad hominem attacks from the resident idiot UHDK who seriously thinks his class is gigabrain
yes im a bm main
no class in modern wow is hard. me playing bm does not change that
Get the same cr as ur hunter on anything else
get the same cr on your hunter as your dk
see how stupid that argument is?