I don’t unironically think this. But the fact you’re constantly trying to prove that bm is just as easy as anything else is cringe. Prove to everyone then
i’ve always said bm takes 1 brain cell, other classes take 3. bm is the easiest damage rotation in the game, but the gap between it and others is still so small in current wow lol
you’re letting your bias towards the color of my class icon cloud that fact. pretty sure if you ask the best players in the game you’d get the same answer
Season high 3v3 1750
Season high 2v2 2400
Yup sounds about BM hunter
I’m saying prove it and get cr on anything else why not just do it??
because the point of a game is to provide entertainment not be a chore, why would i level a class that i don’t enjoy and put hours into gearing it to prove a point to a biased dk that whose only argument ever revolves around a green class icon?
Hunter who defends his class cuz it’s the only way he can get (2v2) cr?
The actual bracket where you have to play the game correctly you’re peaked 1700 but elite in 2s hmmmm I think it proves my point that BM is brain dead auto pilot and should be gutted
no shame in admitting that i enjoy duels and world pvp the most in this game, that’s why i don’t ever speak on balance from a 3s perspective
but i don’t see how it affects the things i talk about in general like bm damage being easy/still being squishier than people make it out to be
in every bm thread i post in i always say the damage is too easy and overtuned and needs nerfs.
Define hard. While I agree in the grand scope no class is really “hard” to understand and perform the basics. All class/specs have some nuance to them, the problem is you can completely ignore it and still succeed more then some of the others.
This is why BM is hated on and called easy, because it is literally exhibit A of.this category.
i never claim to be an arena guru but if you’re gonna talk rating at least get it right lol, ~2370 last season in about 50 games iirc but i don’t bring it up or talk about 3s balance because it’s not the area of the game i enjoy lol
I agree with the post though?
children please it’s okay. everyone learns things differently. gracie is still a dunning kruger brain tho so…
i think i was thinking “hard” in terms of maximizing it’s damage, like i can literally fall asleep spamming cobra shot but survival’s damage rotation doesn’t exactly feel much more difficult to me for example.
then in terms of survivability and whatnot, i can literally be afk at the keyboard on my druid and live better than my hunter so
edit: good summary for my point i think would be, bm lacks utility and depth but i don’t think the addition of those on other classes makes them any more than marginally harder to play effectively
Spamming cobra shot on semi afk pve geared questers is my preferred content!! Yeah guys every class in wow is easy!
my world pvp is actually grabbing buffs and tanking 10 mongos in durotar before escaping into a bg queue you should try it sometime i think you would have less pent up anger towards my class if you did
very refreshing when the class that 1shots you in arena because you reacted .5 sec too late can’t dent you in open world
Sounds really fun if it was 2008
i agree, it would be much more fun with more players in the world for sure
Ya iunno buddy, anything feels harder when compared to a two button rotation.
i agree, but i’m saying i don’t think the gap is nearly as big as forums make it out to be
Eh, you’re also downplaying it a bit. I mean surv isn’t universe brain by any means. But it might as well be when you actually have to use two hands to do dmg with it compared to another spec.
How many buttons does the most complex spec have right now?
Honestly, the difference between the hardest and the easiest spec currently is the difference between a small amount of buttons.