Buff the Venthyr rogue ability immediately

They have literal daggers as a cloak how can they not be the best rogue Covenant, wtf Blizzard, this is a slap in the face!


Honest to god, we had the same thought at the exact same time



Raist is that you?

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Or at least change the rogue ability into a finisher. PLEASE. It’s not fun, nor is it visually pleasing to look at. It feels so clunky to use too.

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I was venth the first day of 60 and then was like “wow this ability is a clunky mess”. now im gunna have angel wings :3


Moooom I want a pony!!! Stamps foot



Same. If they at least made it so you didn’t have to recast the damn ability, and it made it worse when if you let the time run out, you don’t even get the haste. It doesn’t feel right or smooth for example how sub plays.


the leather mog in general looks pretty sick too. They should rework the venthyr rogue ability completely its garbo imo.

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You think your venthyr skill sucks. Get a load of the mage one. Now that is a pile of boring and useless.

That clunky and unintuitive ability needs more than a buff, it needs a complete overhaul.

The Rogue abilities are so bad. Kyrian is okay and obviously the damage is busted but thats it.

I actually thought the night fae ability was cool for rogue. gives them another vanish and did decent damage last i saw. other than that yeah they all are crappy imo

What is the rogue venthyr covenant ability again?

Also keep in mind, if you don’t reactivate it after 20 secs, you don’t get the Haste buff. It would’ve at least been a lot better if they

  • Kept it in Mastery like in the beta.

  • Maybe had it as a buff on yourself rather than having to cast it on a target.

  • Increased the duration of the buff or the torment.

That ability should be the broken one…

Not the Kyrian Good Boy Slash…

They actually removed the Vanish part, and now you can only use 1 stealth ability instead.

laughs in Shadow Dance

lul wut? What even is the point of covenant abilities if you make them all garbage no one cares about?

Wait till you see our fun torghast abilities.

In all honesty though, I’m pretty sure they’ll buff or change Flagellation in the future. It was an entirely different spell altogether in the Beta. Blizzard has been rolling out small updates and hotfixes like rabbits so I believe.

But in the meantime, I rerolled to Kyrian, and I’m ready to change back to Venthyr for em sweet mogs once the cov ability feels better

What if instead we just nerf the other 3 covenants to make it the best?! Rogues need the nerf anyway.

If your talking sub rogue pvp? Yea. If you’re talking about casual PvE, hehehehahahaha jesus christ being a rogue sucks.