Buff Sulfuras drop rates

With the buffed drop rate/progression for the legendary staff this phase you guys also need to buff the drop rate of Sulfuras, the Extinguished Hand. My guild has killed H Rag 18 Times and we have ONLY 1 Hammer!!! We have 10+ people or more with a LEGENDARY staff and only 1 melee with a 397 weapon??? Please BUFF THE DROP RATES it doesnt make any sense to have a legendary GAME BIS item be more easily obtainable than an EPIC thats lower item lvl.


The reason for it is quite simple, the legendary is an inevitability whereas Sulfuras is RNG.

The same thing applied to Atiesh, Val’anyr and Shadowmourn it’s an inevitability that you’ll get them simply because of how you obtain them.

The drop rates are fine, have better luck.

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Yeah they need to buff drop rates across the board. 10M won’t see many of heroic rags drops a single time, assuming we have what maybe 6 weeks left.

Not to mention my team has seen a total of 5 conq tokens the entire tier. Its a joke.

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That’s RNG being RNG.

Though with 10 mans it might just be better to increase the number of items that actually drop than to fiddle with the drop chance.

I’ve yet to see a sulfuras in 2 different 25man out of 8 weeks nor in 10man since week 1. I’ve only heard of them from GDKPs.

I’ve done 20-30 25m kills and have yet to see the weapon so maybe they’re on to something.

No they should leave it. 10 man should get there own separate ilvl loot imo like in wrath. It’s easier content.


Knowing Blizz they’ll probably offer it in the cash shop before long.

no its not, half the fights are much harder on 10m


10m is not harder lol that’s insane to say, it’s an absolute joke. 25m crushed the difficulty compared to 10m

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Lol just wait. Deathwing will just drop caster weapons. No melee weapons at all. lol

Just got our first 1 today lol.

would be quite a change from OG because literally every melee was running around with the mind-flay tentacle 2H sword. What didn’t drop in DS was the shared-drop trinkets, like vial and cunning of the cruel.

I agree, in my case it is 10M and the droprate is lower but in all this time I have killed Ragnaros approximately 15 times and I only saw the mace once, Also our bear has been waiting for the butler’s staff since the first ID and we haven’t seen it yet.

I think that each raid size has its charm, everything will depend on the composition you take, but it is a reality that leading 24 people is not the same as 9, However, it is much more noticeable if you lose one or two dps or one healer in a fight in 10 as opposed to 25.

No several fights are tuned much tighter on 10m, ryo, shannox, and beth are all tuned tighter on 10m and domo on 10m requires people not screw up because 2 dead = wipe because seeds.

Even back in OG cata the complaint was 10m firelands tuning was way tighter compared to 25 and the fights required limited specific comps to even succeed. It was accepted in 2011 that firelands 10m was harder.

This is just good old RNG… I am on a 25 man where we have killed Heroic Rag like 6 times, yet we have like 5-6 2 hander maces now and 6 healing maces.

Every week is either 1-2 dps maces or 1-2 healing maces. We’ve also seen a bunch of the trinkets, but not much of the armor pieces. Exceptionally blessed.

I do hope Blizzard puts all the 397s on a Heroic++ vendor though, let people get them if they need them. DS has way better weapons anyways.