Please. They are usually first to get dropped into DPS and you spend half the phase unless you get valayner doing mid teir dps in hand-me down gear. Disc and Hpal are just not fun to play like a Druid. Druids are great for progression dont get me wrong. And have a high skill cap. But just not needed or nice to have after a guild becomes proficient in clearing content. They never were really sought after like hpal or disc. Even sham.
EDIT: So after some thought of how they could make us more viable during Progression and Farm. there is couple things they could do.
Make the gylph for rejuv haste not remove time off the overall HoT or add additional 3 sec after the reduction, this could be OP but with the new teir set bonus coming out, it would actually be fun to gear the resto druid with a mix of haste and crit to maximize rejuv.
fix wildgrowth. I mean come on.
Make swiftmend not require a a HoT on target. And get rid of that stupid gylph.
Reduce CD on swiftmend to 10 sec or something. It’s literally twice as long as holy shock.
Improve regrowth tick.
Make Tranquility raid wide, on par with Divine Hymn.
Improve Living Seed somehow.
This they would never do. But seeing how powerful Hpals are and how powerful everything is. sustain healing is not really needed for the most part and won’t be needed really in ICC after the first couple weeks. Nerf Hpals, Nerf Disc Priests, or increase player health and boss damage slightly.
I’m not saying doing all these. But just ideas. Being able to 3 heal Raids after 1 month of release in most good guilds is kinda bad game design, especially when those 3 healers pretty much have to be 2hpal, disc . Why even gear a Resto druid out in ICC if you’re just gonna be dropped to a DPS and have sub-par dps gear compared to everyone else.
otherwise I’m kinda over Rdruid at this point. just gonna Feral dps main for ICC. not gonna get dropped again and scrounge for gear like a rat.
What do you propose they change? You can’t just say buff resto druid. Resto druid is fine it’s just not part of the meta during farm. It’s the same in retail. Healers get dropped. It’s part of the game. Mythic plus has 3 meta healers right now. The rest are below but you CAN still use them. The only way to really buff resto druid would be to completely change raid mechanics to cater towards spread aoe and that just isn’t a thing in ulduar .
Effective health and DR is the only thing that matters and they have neither.
Tranq can be improved to mimic Hymn, making it raid wide. Or have it activate like Starfall and not channel but party. Could add a DR component to it. This could be done with a glyph or imp tranq talent.
Living seed could stack with itself so you can get bigger and bigger seeds (gives better EH). Living seed could proc from all heals, even HoT. Seed could be incapable of overheal, it will only proc for amount of damage taken, the rest stays buffed on target. Again done via seed talent or glyphs.
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For starters they could fix the bug around T8 4piece.
In OG Ulduar patch, T8 4P - bonus that grants Rejuv instant heal was the amount of the tick. So my ticks are roughly 2.1k or so, and currently initial heal is around 900. But it should be full 2.1k.
I’ve had it on bugreport for months already with I’ve also provided like 7-8 different sources to prove that.
In T9 content that’s when it was nerfed to 50%. So the phase is almost over. That “nerf” is worth almost 10-12% of overall healing for RestoDru.
that’d be so busted. I’d even crank up the CD to 10 minutes but then it’s 1 per fight. Oh that’s so busted. This will never happen.
I honestly don’t think resto need any buff.
HoTs just aren’t a great match to the current damage profiles of Ulduar bosses. People don’t spend enough time below 100% hp for HoTs to be effective. Someone can take a 10k hit and then be healed back to full by a HPal 1.5 seconds later. What’s the point of a HoT that’s ticking for 2k every second?
How to fix druid healing
Tranquility is raid wide but only effects 5 targets per tick (add this into a deep resto talent somewhere, maybe treeform?)
Wild growth now priorities players over pets
Start with those and reevaluate after a month.
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Literally just fix WG to stop targeting pets over players, and maybe buff Tranq to be raid-wide because as it is right now it is the only healer CD that is complete garbage in raids. Holy paladins get things like aura mastery and divine guardian, but resto druid is stuck with something that only heals 20% of the raid for a few seconds.
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I would not be opposed to this
shaman don’t even have 1
Don’t they need a fix to a wild growth bug prioritizing non-player targets? If that’s still outstanding, it could be a good start.
It’s not a bug tho, it’s how it always worked. Prayer of mending jumps to pets sometimes too.
It does indeed.
The only difference is that WG is nearly 30% of our total healing, and some casts are eaten entirely by pets. I’d press my mouse keybind on an 80% health player with disc bubble on it, and it straight up won’t go on that player, but all 5 jump to pets. Doesn’t happen often, but it does. 1-2 per fight at most. (with entire WG gone), but quite often some of the WG’s will jump on pets over players.
The bigger difference is it not only targets pets even when players have taken damage, but it also targets non-healable pets with priority. Hit WG after lust and all you will do is hit Mirror images, treats, blood worms, army of the dead…all 6 targets assuming you have the glyph.
Chain heal doesn’t work this way and the tooltips are worded very similarly (Heals up to 5 friendly party or raid members within 15 yards of the target )
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I think other folks answered this pretty well already
Whether or not it always worked like that, it’s a huge detriment to resto druid performance, which is already struggling. Addressing that issue would probably help a lot, and be a good start in the path towards determining whether or not the class actually needed buffs.
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For Hpriest PoM is probably around the same % of healing depending on the fight. On fights like Hodir is like 30-40% of my healing and it used to be my top 2 heal in Sapphiron eventhough sometimes it jumped to a pet.
Chain heal is a VERY long cast heal and sometimes you can only get it jump to 1 person if it’s not that close to the raid which is way more lost healing than 2 wg on pets. They are very different spells.
idk I have a Rdruid and I do really good, I don’t think the spec needs that change to just buff it’s numbers. I don’t really like they change classes like they did to Paladins or Fdruids.
They have good heals, still bring a Brez, a great dps buff via revitalize, tranquility eventhough is not as powerful as Divine Hymn it’s useful, and still brings a 3% increase healing to whole raid.
I think it’s one of the most balanced healers through all expansion.
Revitalize is a cope. They need to fix WG to not target bloomworms and stuff. I mean the more powerful other healers get, to where they can just heal players to full in 1 sec, the less viable Rdruid becomes. On paper Rdruid is really cool and viable, but the way damage and healing numbers are now, burst healing and shields is just better for most situations. I don’t think Blizz would ever change this, but woulda been better for this expac if everyones healing output was reduced and the overall damage was reduced less. Then Rduids would be viable. In Cata they nerfed beacon of light by 50%. I remember at the start of Cata it took more than 1 heal to get someone to full. I mean they wouldn’t even need to reduced overall damage by that much, going 3 heals is kinda bad game design IMO.
Swiftmend is on way too long of CD and needing a HOT on target is dumb, regrowth tick is bad, rejuv should tick a lil faster, plus it is not really scaling that well with current health pools. etc. It’s pretty dumb that preists shields heal for more and can crit heal, they last longer than rejuv, They do 2/3 of a rejuv in healing, but that is still OP because rejuv overheals and shields don’t. A paladin in close full bis with good spell power, can literally splash people with glyph holy light for almost as much as rejuv ticks and do it way faster.
I mean… this is not Cataclysm, it’s Wrath… We all knew from way before that Hpals were going to be op.
Rdruids are working as they were in original Wotlk and they are good and viable. Hpals being gods doesn’t mean Rdruids are trash, they are on par with Rshams and Hpriests.
Rdruids are ok. Not op, not trash like everyone else except Hpals.
Discipline priests are inflated, they are great for mitigation but if your raid tends to take a lot of avoidable dmg they fall off against raid healers like Rdruid, Hpriest and Rsham.
It is what it is, the spec is not broken that needs a fix or a buff.
If you look at the last 2 weeks by numbers (classic . warcraftlogs . com/zone/statistics/1017#aggregate=amount&metric=hps&boss=757) for Algalon you see (excluding Holy priest as they have the option to play disc regardless of the difference in playstyle):
- Resto druids are lowest HPS
- Parses: HPala (30.7k), Disc (17.8k), RSham (12k), RDruid (8.6k); this means for every RDruid there are 3.6 HPalas, 2.1 Disc priests and 1.4 RSham.
If you look across all bosses you have 3.9 HPalas, 2.3 Disc priests and 1.2 RSham for every 1 RDruid. We are absolutely underrepresented. When given the opportunity to stretch we can certainly heal and take down all of the content.
I am sorry but being that underrepresented is not ok. WG is not working per the language of the tooltip (which is worded similarly to CH) and we do not have a raid CD meaning we are first to be cut off the healing roster. I’m not asking to add a new raid CD by any means but it makes us vastly less useful than other healers.
Also I am not advocating for a buff just fix the broken things like WG and 4pc T8 and even then we will be massively underrepresented
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Im just pointing out that the same issue that was happening in retail is happening in wrath to some extent. So they buffed boss dmg and stam in retail. Dont say " well this isnt retail." Your right it isn’t but heals heal for to much. Making resto kinda bad.