Buff Resto Druid

Rdruids thrive in rot damage environments. The issue is that there arent many of those. The only thing I can think of that they should change is to make WG prioritize players over pets.

Blizz will not revamp the functionality of the spec.

They could change the tranquility talent to include making tranq raid wide. This way it only buffs resto.

Looking at warcraft logs. Rdruid is performing worse than all healers, including holy priest.
Disc priest is dunking on eveyone. Their median performance is ahead of Rdruids Maximum performance.
And yet, here are the numbers.
576,645 Hpallys.
331,575 Disc priest
177,721 Rsham
145,260 rdruid.

Almost 4 Hpallys per rdruid. A big reason why is that Pallys have Dsac.
If rdruid had a viable raid CD they would be a reasonable alternative to taking a second/third Hpally.
This would not make us better than disc or Hpally, it would just force fewer druids to play a different spec. It would make Rdruid a valid pick to take to a raid, instead of stacking pallys.

Fixing wildgrowth so it doesnt prioritize targeting pets would also help. We shouldnt die on this hill though, it would make little difference. and healing pets actually matters.
Also, Rdruids ulduar 4 tier set is in a nerfed state. It was nerfed in ToC and heals 50% less. That is the what we are currently playing with, despite ulduar being current content.
Fixing these two things would also help, but barely make a dent.

Tranquility should be raid wide. We need an impactful change.
At this rate, in ICC every healer comp will be disc/2 Hpallys with val, and a DPS main who can occasionally heal. Especially as more Hpallys get val.


This is wrath… like we can’t buff healers for the sake of balance when the og game was like this. If you buff Rdruids > Rshams and Hpriest would be less desirable and so everything should be buffed. It’s not like Rdruids are like insanely low compared to Hpriest and Rshams, all 3 not meta specs are there and Rdruids have a great reputation in lk community, even for their numbers they are considered great healers, for example you aren’t even counting Hpriest in that list like… completely out of the healer radar even when doing good numbers.

Hpals and Dpriests are going to be the most desirable healers for ICC, it’s what it is. And I’m telling you this as a main Hpriest, not a discipline player.

Play what you like, if you are good at Rdruid you won’t have issues finding a place against Hpals and Discs. Most runs will need some sort of raid healer.

I agree with some of what you say. And tbh, I love rdruid in this form. I dont need to be on top. Im not saying we need a slippery slope, everything isnt a slippery slope.
But the average Rdruid is basically a boomy main. I take issue with that.
Hardcore guilds dont even take rdruids.

I think my suggestion is reasonable. Make tranq raid wide.
As it is, its a dead button. Channeling an 8 second heal into 5 people puts you behind on healing.
Make this amazing button function. It makes the class more fun. And it would improve class diversity. Stacking pallys for dsac is a real thing. Let the raid healer have a raid CD button. Ret and prot pallys have a better CD.
Im not asking for the kit to be remade or some big overhaul.

Priests also have CD buttons. Disc is miles ahead of other healers. And holy is outperforming rdruid.
The numbers are there to support this and its been going on a long time.

Hardcore guilds just go Discs and Hpals because they pretty much know how to avoid every single avoidable dmg and do everything perfect cheesing lots of mechanics avoiding more dmg that translates to less healing to do and making tank healing and absorbs just look op.

Sry can’t agree with the idea.
Again it’s not like Rdruids are miles away from the other healers. In the numbers Hpriest, Rsham and Rdruids are pretty much close to each other, one being better than the other is not really a matter of the class but probably the players and dmg patterns in Ulduar.

Making Tranq a raid wide cd would make other healers like Hpriest less desirable and there’s no real reason to do that because again, Rdruids are in a fine spot. It would affect the whole raid scene tbh, having another dps class have a raid wide healing cd change things, also healing 5 people every tick is even stronger than Divine hymn that heals 3 ppl every tick.

And it’s not like Rdruids do not scale later in the expansion. They’ve never meant to be a top healer and they’ve never been one also, they’ve always been this kinda support and sustain healer and it works.

A resto druid healing is not unviable for a raid, it’s great. U can even stack 2 rdruids in a healer comp in 25m ulduar and still do hms. dam I even pugged a 25 with my rsham and there were 3 rdruids and we did some fights hms and it went really well for the ilvl of the raid.

I know you want your main to be buffed so you feel better and more desirable in the game, but considering Rdruids are ok and can do great it’s not fair for the other not meta healers to get behind for a buff it’s not even necessary and it’s not how it worked and played in OG wrath.

My suggestion was that the resto talent affecting tranq be made to make tranq raid wide. So it would not be a buff to dps specs.

You are also in a similar situation, where you dont want Rdruid buffed as it would affect how desirable hpriests are. But you also have another great healing spec you can play.
Is that the solution? just play disc?

Because thats the reality for resto druids. I did not signup to play boomy. I love playing rdruid.

We are the worse performing healer.
We are the least represented healer class, by an extreme margin, and it goes down every week. 4 pallys for every druid. 3 priests for every druid. 1.5 shammys for every druid.
These are facts you can see on warcraft logs.

And this affects me, as a very competitive Rdruid. It affects every new druid, every druid without logs, every druid trying to get into a guild or pug, much much more.

These are very real reasons to consider a balance change.

Stacking pallys has become more and more common in ulduar, And it will continue to get worse for future progression. Especially in ICC. More and more Hpallys will get val.
Hell my guild has 3 vals. 2 of them were recruited after their guild fell apart.
How many resto druids are being considered for val?
In ICC it will be disc/2pallys with val/ X. and X will be playing a dps spec as soon as its possible. Mark my words.

I understand how strong rdruid can be but why would you ever take it over dsac/pain sup+absorb when you can get away with fewer healers.

Tranq, raid wide, would be a valid raid CD. For the raid healing spec. not even better than dsac, just an alternative, to promote a tiny bit of comp diversity.

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First of all you are telling me “at least you have another great healing spec you can play” which is quite awful because I hate discipline rotation in Wotlk, it’s probably the most boring spec I’ve ever healed with. So telling me well… at least you can go Disc it’s not really that great argument when you hate to be told go boomie…

2nd I’ve never seen in my life playing this expansion, in classic or private servers, someone rejecting a Rdruid or telling them to go play disc ever. Wereas me playing a holy priest I’ve been told to play disc most of my game time because I’m an actual priest.
Even if you look for tier lists in different pages or youtube videos you’ll always see rdruids as a best spot for 3rd-5th healer to have alongside Rshams which makes the community perception of the spec relevant for endgame.

Worse doesn’t mean unviable. Rdruids are not worse by so far to the point it’s bad for the raid bringing one.

This is false, the margin is not “extreme” as you make it seem. And if we are talking about specs, holy priests is actually the least represented healer by an actual “EXTREME” margin.

177,721 Rsham logs for ulduar.
145,260 Rdruids logs for ulduar.
43,208 Hpriest logs for ulduar.

“Extreme margin” rofl
Comparing your spec against Discs and Hpals is ridiculous, everyone knows those specs are far more popular and have better performance than the other 3 healing specs.

This is not a Rdruid problem, this is Hpals being overpowered. And no, no one stacks more than 2 Hpals. It’s always been like that since OG wrath. It’s not something becoming more popular.

Rdruids are literally 2nd best healers for valanyrs lol… Discs priest do not even get a chance to get one.
Not even Rshams are close to get a valanyr against a Rdruid if both are good. And I’m telling you as a Valanyr user being a holy priest lol, I just had better parses than all the Hpals and Discs that passed through my guild and my leaders decided I should get it, yea, me… a Holy priest. It’s not that hard.

ICC at launch with no buff will need 4-5 healers in most fights for heroic and you won’t bring 1 disc and 3/4 hpaladins, there are going to be Rshams/Rdruids/Hpriests.
ICC normal can be done with any healer comp…
ICC HC at farming can be done with any healer comp…

The spec is fine, does great and it’s very desirable in any competitive or high end raid. You can even show that to all of us by just looking at your parses and healing and how you already cleared Ulduar hms + Algalon as a Resto druid. You do as much as your Rsham does (who also has great parses) and most likely as much as a Hpriest can do, depending on the player skill it can do less or more but all 3 non meta healers do pretty much the same and bring different utilities like Revitalize, Brez, Divine hymn, totems or whatever.

it’s not just dsac though, holypal brings so much more. Magic dispels, freedoms, salvs, bops, stuns, hsac and the list goes on. what does rdruid bring ? nothing a good balance brings. sure you could say the same thing for ret but ret is worse and i see guilds bringing more than 1 boomy while guilds will only bring 1 ret 99% of the time. The problem with rdruid is that balance/ feral are just too good of offspecs.

Also if revitalize is so good then why aren’t the better guilds using it. It’s not good enough to justify bringing a rdruid like ever after progression is done.

I dont know icc very well because it’s been so long since i raided ICC but if there are dps checks at the start due to the 0% buff rdruid will probably have to switch to dps.

  • 6% increased healing to the whole raid
  • Revitalize is not op, it’s a cool boost to have for your dps, a warrior will love you and they are top dps in ICC so while not op still a cool buff.
  • Ret is going to be on of the top dps in ICC
  • Best sustain healers in the game so far. Best healer for heavy movement fights.
  • Stronger tranq than boomies
  • Still another brez

High competitive raiders which are the 10% of the whole wotlk community only care about Discs and Hpals for the already mention that those guilds know exactly how to cheese mechanics and avoid all avoidable dmg meaning Absorptions and tank healing (which is not avoidable) the only thing you want in your raid.
Most casual or semi-hardcore raids which are the most common in the game are going to struggle managing some mechanics so they recieve more dmg so they have the need to get more healing beside absorptions.

And again comparing Hpals or Discs with Rdruids/Rshams/Hpriest is ridiculous, it’s completely established that Hpals are just years ahead of all healers, it’s a well known fact that no one is surprised about…
Asking why would I bring a Rdruid when I can bring a Hpal is a dum question… You can ask the same with every other non meta healer. Why would you bring a holy priest instead of a holy pal? Why would I bring a resto shaman instead of a holy paladin, resto shamans do not even have a raid cooldown at all and they are heavily dependant on haste gear, before that they are very behind and Elemental and Enhancement bring the same totems and are great dps for this Phase, specially Enhancement.
If you actually want to make a good comparison do it against Rshams or Hpriest.
In any case bringing Hpals down is more likely the best option instead of bringing Rdruids up.

ICC do not have DPS checks in the same way as Ulduar. It’s way more flexible and easier. In fact Rdruids should be S healers for fights like Lanathel and Rotface where there is heavy rot dmg pumping hard which Resto druid kit counters perfectly alongside a Disc priest.

hpal also brings 6% healing with improved devotion aura which 1 hpal will ALWAYS get because prot doesn’t take that talent.
ret will be near the top once they get shadowmourne, yeah a hpal with ret os is not going to get shadowmourne like ever. Also we dont know the numbers until the raid actually releases. We can only see sims which is perfect play and not accurate to 99.9% of players.
Holy paladin is by far the best sustain healer in the game they will not run out of mana ever in icc as long as they can melee weave, and even when they can’t they’ll be at 42k+ mana buffed.
Tranq is party wide and is channeled , a shiny turd doesn’t make it less of a turd. It’s still bad.

i’m not saying resto druid is bad, they’re fine for progression they just wont be taken on farm very often since most fights will again, only require 3 healers. We flex resto shammy and by numbers they’re just a better overall healing spec than resto because resto you’re either specc’d aoe or tank healing you cant do both optimally. and also ulduar fights are not good for resto as there are hardly any spread fights with constant aoe damage. those types of fights are what resto druid excels on and there’s only 1 or 2 in the current raid.

Sustain healing meaning =/= burst healing.
HoTs are considered sustain healing as they do not burst someone from 0-100 but maintain their hp in some levels through constant healing over time.

Not sure about your resto druid in specific, But in logs playing in different percentiles overall Resto druids are not that far away from Rshams or Hpriest. Like really isn’t a difference that should worry the performance of the spec at all.
Rdruids are around 74 score while Rshams are at 77.7

It’s absurd to consider Rdruid HPS is extremely low compared to what Hpriests and Rshams are doing. Being at the bottom for so little difference is not an excuse for big changes.

And as I said in any case if we want to compare the 3 non-meta healers against Hpals and Discs the ones who should be changed are the 2 at the top by bringing them both down or buff the other 3 to the top, not just Rdruids.

again resto druid will be fine for progression and i can see even the top guilds taking them on progression but once farm starts they’ll be the first to be asked to switch to dps. Shaman dps scales poorly as the expansion goes on and by icc both shaman specs are towards the bottom. We’ll still probably run 2xhpal 1 disc 1 resto sham and if a fight requires a 5th which could be the case for a couple of fights we’ll probably recruit another balance who can play healer just as well. It’s much easier to find a boomy willing to OS a few bosses as healer than it is to find a resto druid willing to switch to dps on most fights eventually.

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Mantita is cherry picking.
Again, here are facts.
576,645 Hpallys.
331,575 Disc priest
177,721 Rsham
145,260 rdruid.
Thats an extreme margin. 4 pallys for every druid. 3 priests for every druid. 1.5 shammys for every druid.
Shamans have hero, an important tank buff, and important totem buffs. Priests have a real tank CD. Both out perform Rdruid naturally, without cds. Not to mention disc is broken.

It is not desirable spec in “High end raid”
Hardcore guilds do not bring resto druids period.
They are called balance druids.
Tranq being raid wide would allow you to take 1 rdruid instead of a dsac in a competitive environment. And would allow much more comp diversity in regular environments.

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Thought this was interesting from Mispelled in a different thread with a different purpose talking about what the top speedrun guilds are bringing…but look at the healers relative proportions…sad

0.6% Rdruid…

I want to play resto druid not boomkin. I think they just need to nerf Hpals and Discs. increase player health and boss damage a bit. Otherwise I’m just respeccing feral. I’m tired of playing boomkin and getting hand-me down gear for all of expac. It’s garbage.

don’t lie, it’s basically the same


we don’t have a tank buff, unless you mean ancestral fort, but priest can do this too

the only useful totems in 25m are nature resist and spell haste. soe if you’re enh

you basically have to bring 1 sham for lust.

I love resto druids. I think they need less tweaks or even no tweaks at all, but I would never do this and instead just swap to my disc priest as having two rDruids seems silly. I think you made decent points outside of this, but I mean you could have all holy priests and do HM too. The only reason I would bring two rdruid is because one of the rdruids is your friend and you want to take them or you just can’t find another healer.

But hey keep rDruid at the bottom of healers. Less gear competition for me. :+1:

I do want to add though. Holy priests do have the option of being another healing spec. Though if they run disc they run into the same problem as rdruid. Which is most people only want to bring one. Priests have the option to swap to holy, so it doesn’t matter to them. I say this having an immense respect for holy priest as a spec as I was forced to learn it for the very reason of their already being a disc priest, but now that the disc priest is gone I am now the new disc priest.

Isn’t the best healer for Algalon shaman? Not just the for the soak totems, but I heard they were the best for solo healing Algalon.

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