Maybe you’re just useless on them?
Paladins are fine.
Maybe you’re just useless on them?
Paladins are fine.
You’re going to be mad when my pally bursts you down in pvp.
my biggest problem with vanilla paladins is that blessing of freedom/protection removes actual blessing buffs. I liked how they made them “hands” in bc so they stopped doing that.
I’m playing bit of retri paladin right now leveling, as 22 retri with class quest weapon, smashed an undead of same level with seal of command and judgement + exorcism in literally 2 seconds.
So satisfying to play, especially against undead.
Duskwood and plaguelands is fun times.
Some ones gona get his butt kicked by a pally one day.
Amen. Im gonna make my backstab rogue thats all over the three talent trees. Owns in pvp like no other.
Try BFA.
/10 char
That fact your posting from a Horde player protesting Alliance rights… you have fallen from grace my friend.
What comes out of your mouth is uneducated gibberish.
Hybrid classes are meant to be hybrids. Sure you can’t tank or dps as good as a warrior but 1 flash of light in any spec will do more healing then a warrior can throughout the entire boss encounter. Most of the time.
As for the healing bit… Holy Paladins are the most mana effective healer in game, and they completely out heal every other class with ease. They are near unkillable in 1vs1 without using consumables as well.
#no changes…
If you want to play classic wow… PLAY CLASSIC WOW!
If you want to play something else… PLAY SOMETHING ELSE!
There will literally be zero changes to the game for about 2-6 years. At that time if classic overtakes retail MAYBE there will be updates or changes, the release of other expansions or releasing all canceled patch content.
Paladins get a buff in TBC and they stay relevant until current wow. So go play that.
Why do Warriors get two roles in the meta when Paladins barely have one and only because of buffs.
Holy paladin were literally the best most desired class in vanilla.
Ret is fine…
And i personally know prot paladins that main tanked up to kel in vanilla with out a warrior in the raid.
That’s a lie and you KNOW it.
Nope 100% truth.
Just cause you’re bad don’t blame others.