Buff Paladins

Just crazy, we’ll be playing 1.12, easiest version for all content except Naxx, which means raids will be pretty damn easy to complete, and people still think only cookie cutters will be invited. Yeah I mean if you wanna go cookie cutter class/spec, you go do you, I’mma enjoy my classic experience.


retail that way >>>>

Homogenized? No way, I love the ladies.

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Nerf pures to ret/prot levels.

You’ve never actually played the class in classic… have you?

Didn’t Paladins buff all the time?

I’m pretty sure it was every 5 minutes. 10 if you’re lucky

See thats just it. People were trying to min max and said horde with a bunch of windfury on rogue/warriors would be getting world first but blessing of salvation > windfury by a lot. I’m not going to dig up the math because thats a google search away and if people want to be educated they would by now.

‘In Soviet Russia Paladins buff You!’

-is buffs
-has buffs
-are buffs

Don’t paladins do better in later content than priests? Effectively making them the best healer in the game between both Alliance and Horde? Seems pretty ok to me, best at 1 role, mediocre at other - kind of like EVERY other class?

Dude, this kind of thread is for sundays.

Yeah holy paladins are strongest in Naxx tier, and before Naxx tier content is nerfed cuz 1.12, so paladins will do pretty good as holy, and only thing you need to heal is healing light and Illumination, so you can still go ret/prot for rest of talents and heal raids.

That’s not what I meant, but I’ll take it.

Technically this thread was posted on Sunday for eastern time.

Not the same people? How do so many people fail to grasp this?

They don’t understand that this is simply a veiled attempt by the Horde to help Alliance pose an actual challenge in PvP.

You got this all wrong… Paladin’s will buff you!

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I knew a lot of Ret Pallys who would own in PVP back in Vanilla. I had an alt pally and had a blast and they might not be the greatest dueler ever but in a team they’re amazing.

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Useless in PvE? Spelladin would like a word with you.

Useless in PvP? Lex Luthor would just like one word with you, and that word is “WROOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGG”



  1. Prot is just fine in PvE (buff gear if you want something buffed, like just add defense to their tier sets and we all good)
  2. Prot in pvp is just fine. You have two builds. First is the popular one of choice: 2-hander with reckoning. The second is far more rare: Thunderfury annihilation spec.
  3. Ret is just fine in pvp as long as people actually gear stamina ffs so they don’t get one shot so easily.
  4. Ret in pve would be impossible to buff without making them OP in pvp.