Buff Paladins

It’s a fact that both Ret and Prot are completely useless in both PvP and PvE anc holy is just a poor man’s priest. They need to get buffed so they are useful in Classic other than buffing the raid outside the entrance.


You really put the “dur” in Bludthundur.


You should probably get your facts checked.


Here’s a buff paladin. Hubba-hubba! I know you are requesting more, but it’s the only one I could find for you:


Who said Ret is useless in pvp?


Most Mana efficient healer in classic with amazing buffs and best tank healer in game.

You realize Alliance in actual Vanilla got 36 of the 42 world first kills in raids right? Do you understand why???

I don’t think you have any idea what you’re saying.

Because of paladins…salvation is an amazing buff, imagine having all your dps be able to go all out on the boss all raid because threat isn’t much of an issue anymore.

Now imagine your full raid getting Salvation, Kings,Might and wisdom.


buff warriors instead, cuz warriors can actually be played on both factions and almost everyone is going to be playing one anyway so you might as well just buff them anyway, first we could start off by giving us spell reflect and maybe bladestorm and we’ll talk about adding more after that.


I’m good, thanks. Too sexy for my shirt > buff.

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I would send you to the trolling academy but I just paid for the kids first year at the university so you’re out of luck.

Nerf Paladins


Youre taking your request to the developers so dedicated to recreating patch 1.12.1 of vanilla on a technical numerical level that theyre releasing a mechanic that was entirely dependant on 2004 internet quality gaps to work properly out into the 2019 internet world. simply because thats how it was.

Or you could go play BFA where all of your homogenized classes already exist!


lol love these threads :
We want classic exactly how it was
Hey can you change this ?


It makes my head hurt… If they buffed or nerfed anything then people won’t play and they will remain on private servers. Which is the reason why we are getting Classic. People want the original game untouched.

All specs are viable for Paladins and they can do well.
The thing about Classic is the talent trees do not limit your play style.
I can go down the Holy tree with the purpose of killing enemy players.

Just because you may not understand how to play the Paladin to its best potential doesn’t mean that Paladins are weak.

You go down Holy for Holy Shock.
You go down Prot for Reckoning.

Combined with Seal of Command, a Paladin can be a healer while still being a deadly player. Because a Paladin’s damage is going to be based of off scaled spell power on Holy damage.


It’s gonna be a yikes from me dawg.

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so you want a class that is one of the best healers in the game, and one of the best DPS/TANKS in the game? You obviously have never played vanilla haha.

Ha! Paladin is awesome, I’m going 20/31 build, holy for raids, prot for dungeons (and maybe aoe offtank) and helping out lowbies with lower level dungeons. How can you call such a spec useless, the sheer amount of buffs and utility…


Paladins are supposed to buff you, not the other way around.