Buff ONE ability to address Unholy PVP in the current meta

Unholy is in a good spot for PVE but overshadowed by many other specs in PVP.

If there were only ONE ability that we can tweak to fix Unholy in the current meta it has to be Necrotic Strike.

Here are my suggestions:

  1. Make Necrotic Strike absorb 10% of HP healing. I think 10% absorption is a good number due to the limited haste on vers gears right now (and how good mastery is for the spec) which offers roughly 10-13% haste for an endgame geared character in average.

  2. Make Necrotic Strike baseline. I mean, come on, it is the signatory PVP ability for Unholy spec and has next to no impact on PVE fights. Making it baseline should open up more viable choices for Unholy PVP talents such as Decomp Aura and Dar Sim.

Quoting Flarkness the R1 DK commentary on his Youtube channel:

Skip to 7:40 where he talks about sensible % for Necrotic Strike buff and 10% is the number by suggestion.


10% would put it on par with reanimation for burst damage, that would definitely put us in a place to scare people again.

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Yes, Necrotic is the ability that needs tuning to bring the spec back to life, no 10% is too much. The ability is strong at 7% and thats where it should be adjusted to. at 10% we would be the new ret paladins.
It is sad to see the iconic spell completely dead because of a refusal to buff it, the whole idea of unholy dk is to overwhelm healers for falling behind by doing nothing. For spending too long not healing/being CC’d forever. Hope they fix it :frowning:

I haven’t played UH in PvP since the first few weeks of the season. Aren’t pets still going to be a major issue? It seems like every pet is made out of paper and get mowed down from aoe.

And yes buff necrotic strike I’m tired of being forced into frost.

Would need to be 15% or better to fit in the burst meta, macro needs love for sure.

I also wish they made death pact baseline but took off the healing reduction. There’s no reason a paladins can heal 75% health with on a shorter CD and no consequence but ours is 50%, 2 min and with a 30% healing reduc.

Kinda lame.


Revert the death strike healing nerf.


I personally think Necrotic should be more than 10% healing absorb since it costs more GCD to even actually use it now thanks to it now only works with Festering Wound.

10% baseline would be over kill (considering bursting sores talent increases the absorb by 25%)
8%baseline (10% with bursting sores) would be fair perhaps even a little too much.
just because the average player is 13% haste doesnt mean it’s not easy to hit 30% haste with 15-20% vers ;^


Necrotic strike needs to be 8% hp and a 10% buff to virulent plague. it makes unholy viable but not OP

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10% of 30k is 3k, 10% of 40k is 4k. Ret pallies crit 20-25k at max but 15-20k is a lot more common. Obliterate on players for me is 6.5-7k (7k rng high roll).

People saying Nstrike needs to be at 7-8% literally have no idea what the hell they’re talking about, period.


Maybe 12%?

Hybrid healing not to mention the power of regular heals though. 15-20% in a meta like this is what UDK would actually need.

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Quoting Flarkness the R1 DK commentary on his Youtube channel:

Skip to 7:40 where he talks about sensible % for Necrotic Strike buff and 10% is the number by suggestion.

i play reanimation and 10% is definitely a good spot for your main filler. necrostrike can’t do the fun tricks that reanimation can, but the two together would be extremely fun. so they shouldn’t compete for a talent spot, necrostrike needs to be baseline for all dk specs.

i was thinking about this last night and it would be very easy to remove the wound component from required play by baking all the wounds play entirely into the bursting sores.

that would mean necrostrike could be standardized as doing AP in shadowfrost damage and puts a 10% absorb on the target. if you take bursting sores as unholy, you burst the wound for extra shadow damage, and increase the absorb to 15% with 10% on the main target and 5% splashed on up to 5 targets.

this could be expanded on for unholy where taking bursting sores is the thing that makes festering strike give you wounds instead of applying necrotic plague.



Realistically death knights need a redesign

Unholy could really benefit from death strike not being death stroke and death coil not hitting like a wet noodle

The design should be death coil hits like a truck and forces you to choose between living from death strikes or killing with death coils

Also god damn we shouldn’t have been turned into a pet class

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How does bursting sores increase the effect of necrotic strike?

Increases the healing absord amount by 25%

necro strike doesn’t “burst” a wound dealing dmg, it “converts” a wound into a heal absorb debuff. so the devs just made [Bursting Sores] increase the healing absorb of necro strike by25%

so just water down one of the most intricate melee class designs and make it into a 2 button frost dk with a wog