Buff ONE ability to address Unholy PVP in the current meta

Ok that makes sense. So I wonder if it’s better to use bursting sores over unholy blight. Removes a gcd for us which is nice. It also seems like mastery will play a huge part now. Atm I’m using soul reaper but that might change since I want constant necrotics going out. I guess the debate for me is between infected claws vs. all will serve.

One could argue this is exactly why it is only a pvp talent.

But I do agree that buffs would be nice. I prefer unholy over frost in PVP and would be nice if the necrotic strike build was actually any good.

Well considering this is about PvP and not PvE

And also you’re hardly one of the most intricate classes, just because there are about 5gcds you have to press in the opener doesn’t mean anything

The class has been designed like garbage overall

it is good rn

I love Unholy. It’s my favourite spec but it’s weakness’ are ramp up time and burst on swap. I’m just talking about 3s. We need a GCD for Virulent, Chains, Abom, Abom Limb, DT, Scourge, Scourge then finally Apoc. Then it takes 4 seconds for your ghouls to crawl out of the ground (if you don’t take the pvp talent). That’s about 10.4 seconds before we are starting to compete in dmg with any other class.

That doesn’t include using any defensives. Or even starting to use Necrotic Strikes. Instant swapping is gimped because we don’t have any wounds on the target. The recent buffs (6% Necro & 10% Virulent) do not address these concerns. In fact buffing any dmg doesn’t address these weaknesses.

We need a hard hitting spender of Runic Power. Give us a pvp talent that converts Apoc dmg into scaling higher with runic power spent and same with soul reaper as an execute. The cost is we build up RP over time to land a big hit. Fully geared with full RP on a fully geared target should hit for around 12-15k. Soul Reaper 8-10k. Tune whatever else (pet, disease, scourge, festering, necro dmg) around those numbers. That would address the burst and swap problems. The ramp issue still exists and the easiest solution is take Abom and DT off GCD but I don’t see that happening any time soon.

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