Buff killing spree please!

I literally just explained the ramp up …lol, please stay off the post if you have no idea what you’re talking about… Thanks

This is a big issue for me.

I like how Unholy is getting the “absorbs healing”, where they’re healed for a portion instead. I always thought that was a Rogue trick too, like smoke and mirrors.

(Spitballing: Smoke bomb baseline, talent smoke and mirrors, Smoke Bomb no longer obscures vision but causes targeted heals to the area to heal the Rogue for 50% instead, cooldown substantially reduced)

Again, to me the problem of Rogue is that the entire class is balanced around Stealth, and Outlaw just doesn’t really care about it as much, nor have the same synergies in all talent choices.

Enduring brawler needs to stack faster, Recuperate needs some TLC, and talents could use being brought in line with the other specs (still no Subterfuge–make some current talents baseline).

Killing Spree would be great if it got the 100% crit chance, since the damage is meh without it. Again, plus then I can take a legendary other than MA and not feel all the pain from losing out on all that AoE burst it currently creates.

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like i said, you are confusing ramp up with outlaws lack of burst. Outlaws damage comes out faster than assassination, which you can argue has a ramp up. You dont understand what ramp up means, dont act like you know anything when someone corrects you


Not in PvP.

Outlaw also has roughly the same level of ramp, between white damage, SnD, and BtE. You can always skip some of the ramp on either spec with MfD, but they both ramp.

One key difference is that to maintain the Outlaw ramp, it requires consistent white damage and melee range, where a lot of Sin ramp is bleed-based, so it is not as heavily punished for disengaging.

Sin also has a fraction of the RNG, thanks to RtB.

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Thank you @deos, you understand what I’m saying…when @emberpaws, has no clue… So thank you for your input.

You guys keep using the word ramp, but i dont think you understand what that means in wow. Ramp means your damage increases over time due to setup/buildup. See Warlocks and old shadowpriest, which are actual ramp classes. Pressing an extra button or two in your opener is not ramp. Building cp for finisher is not ramp. Outlaws damage doesnt comeout as fast and aggressive as sub, but thats not cuz its ramping. Outlaw will do almost the same damage in first 5 seconds of ar vs the last 5 seconds of ar. That is not ramp. If you are using bandits guile, the insight buff is the only example of ramp, which is no longer baseline for outlaw. If you took dreadblades, all your damage is front loaded to a burst in the 10 second after, just exactly what are you ramping for then? Flagellation i guess sure?

So a ramp class lacks burst, but that doesnt mean a class that lacks burst is a ramp class.

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Then neither is sin, by your own standard. Also, the only ramp for Shadow Priest, in that light, was from haste stacking under void form.

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Sin is the only rogue spec with any resemblance of ramp right now, because u have to keep a bleed up, and open with bleeds . Overall i dont consider rogue a ramp class.

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Bleed damage doesn’t increase over time. It’s not my definition you have to live up to now.

Rupture will do the same damage on the first tick as the last tick. Vendetta provides the same damage bonus in the first half as the last half.

Any steadily increasing function is a ramp. It doesn’t mean every ramp is equal, and again, the ramp for either spec can be shortcut with MfD.

Building combo points to apply your bleeds is a gate to achieving your “ideal rotational DPS” (ignoring CD windows), just as the same as it’s a gate to applying SnD for Sin or Outlaw. BtE is an Outlaw finisher similar with Rupture.

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Thank you… @deos, but I believe you are wasting your words…because some people refuse to be wrong… That is just the honest truth, I gave up trying to explain simple facts… So yeah, thank you for your efforts.

Sure bud, keeping playing outlaw like you are ramping, because thats TOTALLY the issue with outlaw pvp right now. Maybe you can tell your partners the reason you are not doing damage is cuz “im ramping, give me 30 seconds to setup”. Because thats totally what outlaws damage profile is like right now. Stay bad.

Yes and thats why none of the rogue specs ramp. Rogue is not a ramp class

And in that light, the concern then becomes how much of the damage profile is tethered to high white damage with low survivability after cooldowns are exhausted.

Sin and sub escape this with significantly higher yellow contribution, and utilizing Stealth as a passive defensive bonus. Outlaw just can’t do it’s damage between resets like the other specs.

Dude, just be quiet…I’m done with you… Just go back to cookie cutting the meta build and patting your own back… I’ll be waiting for people with actual viable input.

No ones forcing you to play meta. It literally doesnt matter for someone like you. Play what is fun is ok, but youre the one making a complain thread. You wouldnt know a viable input even if it slammed you in your thick skull.

Thanks, but I don’t need your permission to play what I want…you are simply trolling for attention… And it isn’t a complaint, it’s a request with focus points… But I wouldnt expect your child mind to understand that…so please leave my thead.

Its alrite, I see it now. You think rogues ramp because thats how long it takes you to press your abilities between globals. Understandable. I think you should probably close this thread.

Are you done?

Compared to other classes Rogues have ramp up because of energy and CPs.

But compared to past Rogue class design Rogues have less ramp up.

BTE debuff may be the only hiccup with current Outlaw design but back then you had to keep up Revealing Strike so I consider that a wash.

So systemlands Rogues overall has less ramp up than lets say Cata Rogues.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Oh no bro, you and everyone else in this thread are completely wrong… Rogues have no ramp up… And no one here knows what ramp up is… Lol… :rofl::rofl: