We did it boys
If only we had like any durability instead of a defensive with a 5 minute CD that does practically nothing.
What exactly did we do?
Do you really think that such a small buff will make DH better? Long cooldown abilities, low damage compared to other classes—will a 1% buff make any difference?
We’re literally in rank F for DPS. That buff is an insult. What we want are real changes, not minor buffs that are completely useless.
I hate to break it to you friend, but you should probably stop playing WoW because you’re never going to be satisfied and blizzard is ok with that.
Personally, I think these are great changes that should be celebrated and I see no reason to hate on blizz for obviously positive changes, but some people won’t be pleased until they’re the best class in the game forever.
Yeah how dare we be upset about a 2% buff when dh is the worst class in the game
Go from the worst class to still the worst class but we do 2% more damage
Blizzard has completely killed DH since Shadowlands. The only buffs or changes they make to DH are always the same: increasing the same 3-4 abilities by 10%. It’s nothing new—it’s a copy-paste every patch.
Instead of fixing the 20 bugs the class has, improving defensives, or fixing the talent tree, they just do the usual: buff the same 4 abilities as always to calm people down.
This isn’t about never being satisfied; it’s about the class being trash. The same copy-paste buffs they always do won’t fix anything.
They put more effort into nerfing DH abilities: increasing (Eye Beam’s cooldown 30–40segs lol Not even Eye Beam’s cooldown syncs with our 2-minute CD, lol. We have to hold one of the two for them to line up), reducing the damage of other important abilities, shortening the duration of Meta… But what do they give us? A 10% buff to the same abilities they always buff because they don’t want to do anything more.
Except the class is not trash. I regularly time +10 and I’m one of the top dps in my guild.
This is a good day! What’s already been serving admirably, if on the low end of things, has been improved. Keep advocating for better, but don’t forget to be happy with what you get.
It’s not exactly encouraging to the devs when you maintain an “all you do is fail us” attitude. Try to curb the mob mentality.
These buffs are trash and we should not bow to the blizz gods over them, its a 4% to overall, thats not even a dent
Glad we have actual metrics and statistics to look at and not anecdotal evidence from people that don’t even top damage in their guild but feel the need to lie about it for some reason
You can do +10 keys even with an AFK player and another doing less damage than the tank, considering how geared we are at this point.
+10 mythics aren’t a reference, and just because your guildmates aren’t that good doesn’t mean DH is fine.
Try pugging an +11 or +12, not to mention +13 and up, with the IO you have, and you’ll see that nobody will even glance at you.
you can see rank of tier list or metric of dmg compared other clases and And DH falls behind compared to the others.
You’re so adorable when you try to be petty. I do recommend therapy for your anger issues though.
I didn’t say I was top dps, and yes, I have completed many +10 yet I’m still pleased we’re getting buffed. However, don’t let me stop your trauma bragging. Just don’t expect blizz to care about your temper tantrum.
This reminds me of a Rick Sanchez quote:
Your boos mean nothing to me. I’ve seen what makes you people cheer.
I have pugged 11 and I know I’m not an incredible player, yet I managed to get a pretty good io. Don’t let statistics rule your gaming life. All that said, I’ve been agreeing dh needed buffs, but the salt in these responses to actually getting buffed just leave me scratching my head.
Don’t hurt yourself backpedaling this fast. At least say it with your chest next time. If you want to give valid feedback at least show you know how to play the class to any extent past hitting random buttons
You can literally quote me. Maybe you should get some sleep.
If this is about me having completed more dungeons at higher difficulty than you, you don’t need to feel threatened by me.
Havoc is indisputably the worst dps spec in the game currently. Our ST damage over any reasonable time frame is so bad we’re barely ahead of tanks. Our AoE/Cleave is almost excusable, but only in burst windows. These buffs are not even close to enough, honestly negligible.
People are upset because they see all of these other classes getting reworks coming into the xpac and DH hasn’t been touched since S3 of Dragonflight. We have bugged talents that are known and a hero talent trees that are just bad.
Honestly these buffs are meaningless due to the fact all its going to do is make it so DH doesn’t look as bad after 11.0.7 with all of the other class buffs.
People will be satisfied when they actually listen to the complaints that are being provided not throwing a insignificant aura buff to some abilities like they have been doing to the DH class nearly every xpac.
Where are you getting your number?
I agree, DH does need more significant work. My irritation stems from all the hate mail. It accomplishes nothing but alienation between the developers and the player base.
Be happy with positive changes and recommend more positive changes. Don’t demand firings and lethal diseases. The persistent ebullies I’ve been seeing make this forum look like the chalkboard of a middle school locker room instead of a mutual venue for public discourse.
I don’t condone the threat posts because something isn’t going right in a video game they play. But this is the internet and since there is some sort of anonymity people are going to say stupid things to express their frustration.
However I can understand the frustration people have that love the demon hunter class. They want it to be in a place where it isn’t clunky or stuck in this CD burst window play style. Also so many dislike the movement play style yet they continue to double down on it.
Blizz truly needs a better conduit on class feedback and testing.
+4% to last place? whoa, are we aug st now?
This!! Literally this!!! For the love of God Blizzard please… Lol