Buff Heart Strike | Blood DK is DPS not tank

This is corruption posting on my dk, and let me tell you I’ve been tearing stuff up. It’s fun as heck and almost feels to strong lol. And I’m not over geared or anything lol.

Look at other tanks tree’s. There is mainly damage or some sort of buff. And then a few armor/defensive things.

The glorious thing about DK’s was going deep into any tree could make you a tank, depending on what you chose as talents. Did you want more spell related offensive stuff? Go unholy. Did you want more healing related stuff with decent AOE? Go blood. Did you want killer AOE with solid armor? Frost.

Doesn’t stop you from still having to reach into each tree. To get the best out of ANY build, you’re likely reaching into the first row or two of any tree on the DK’s spectrum.

Blood is Tank.
Cope harder.

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It’s a troll. A very well played “playful troll”. Something this board serious needs.

More please. Buff rogue dps, nerf ele shammys, buff DKs… good times

Blood always had the highest EH of the DK specs in wrath.

Blood was DPS until they nerfed it and said Blood is for tanking now.

You can do whatever you want but they aren’t reverting the game back to diseaseless blood crushing meters.

You can do blood again later with more ArP but why?

Seems like people who think Blood DPS isn’t a thing in Wrath weren’t around for the original Wrath. It was always a thing in Wrath, and when DKs have access to more armour pen in the later phases it’ll be pretty close to Frost and Unholy in DPS.


UH is the least fun DK spec imo too, its just subjective.

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Cute a reply from this forum’s ultimate troll.

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“Nah bro it’s still a tank, just pay no attention to the fact most of its abilities are DPS, most of its talents is DPS and it uses a 2h”

I don’t think they ever said by implication or otherwise “blood is only for tanking now”. It was always dps/tank, they nerfed the dps to compensate for its utility, that doesn’t mean it can’t DPS anymore.

DK and BUFF should never be used in the same sentence in WOTLK

If it’s close, it will be artifically boosted that way this go around. Dual wield frost was worlds apart from any other dps builds when at the end game.

Pre 4.0 that is.

It has to contain an element of truth to get to this ratio. People wouldn’t respond if it came out of left field.

I always liked the buff rogues dps thread. While their trash damage is bad they are top boss deeps. Also their rotation/priorities are just complicated enough that the average player will see the post as genuine

For 5 talent points. Both Frost and Unholy provide better bonuses on their equivalent tier by giving expertise, and Frost even gives 5% more bonus damage

28, actually

14 are raw dps increases with no tank component whatsoever (and one of those is even debatable because it gives you attack power based on your armor). self-sustain talents are not dps talents and you’re trolling for even suggesting as much. By that very same logic, I could make the claim that there are no dps talents and it’s all tank talents, because by having more dps you’re thus killing the boss faster and taking less overall damage

To be fair, Frost has Unbreakable armor which technically helps them survive but everyone views it strictly as a DPS talent.

Frost also has a talent that makes it have a chance to give you high resistance towards the magic type you just took.

Frost also has a talent that extends Icebound Fortitude by 6 seconds, which is technically a defensive cooldown that scales off Defense.

Frost also has 2% less damage taken via Imp Frost Presence. Frost also has a 3% chance not to be hit by melee attacks.

Frost even had Toughness in it for more armor, but it’s so high up I won’t compare it to Will of the Necropolis.

Blood has 6 Talents dedicated to Tanking (7 If we’re counting Improved Blood tap).

Frost has 5 Talents dedicated to Tanking. 6 if we want to get technical and saying Improved Icy Talons making enemies attack 20% slower is similar to a Thunderclap/Prot Paladin talent.

It feels kinda even across the board.

I think people forget what DK originally was. It was originally made so that each spec could tank, Or DPS. They changed it later because it was to hard to keep all 3 specs equal. As in to hard to keep it balanced since each spec could dps or tank

Based on what people have written I tend to think a lot of people commenting didn’t actually play original wrath and are just parroting what they experienced in retail after cata changes and what all the guides say. An easy way to filter out troll posts is just to ignore anyone who says blood was never dps and was always a tank spec. It’s certainly not as good as it was in prior patches as it got a pretty heavy handed series of nerfs that are in the patch we’re playing now. But it will be competitive with frost and unholy once enough armor penetration is available for single/cleave fights and it’s not going to be terrible at all. It just won’t be the best spec to play if someone is looking purely at numbers and nothing else. But that’s not all that matters and it’s very subjective.

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Oh yeah, just need all that armor pen since Blood is heavily based around physical :smiley:

Why buff them when they could simply give us 3.0.2 death knights :slight_smile: i rolled a hero class and I want to feel like a super hero.

Frost’s biggest issue is most of its survivability later in the tree is through procs and cooldowns, with not much raw EHP, which makes it wonderful for dungeon tanking with its high aoe damage clearing trash in a snap, and shorter encounters meshing well with its snap mitigation, but in raid encounters that last several minutes at a time it just can’t hold a candle to Blood’s extended sustain

pls don’t change class balance kthx







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