Buff Heart Strike | Blood DK is DPS not tank

All bosses in ICC were balanced around the following tanks:

  • Blood DK
  • Feral (bear)
  • Protection War/Pally

No because balance was perfect the way it is in WotLK. If you change 1 class then all need to change. Which obviously can’t happen. We are playing WotLK for the original Class design not different ones.

If Class balance starts happening everyone will uninstall and seek private servers.

it was originally meant to be equal. Because they made designed the Dk to tank or dps in every spec. They later changed it because it was to hard to balance 3 tanking specs and 3 dps specs. Everyone is forgetting that

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Blood is basically a magical warrior, so I recommend giving it a go if you want a similar experience that scales better with gear (expertise, crit, armour pen).

i was joking i’m currently loving my warrior

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wonder if this dude was freaking out over furyprot in classic 60

Name the 3rd viable DPS spec for mage in WOTLK? I’ll wait.

I love warrior, too. Are you arms or fury? I’ve always leaned more towards arms myself.

i am prot. XD

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Your inability to understand what they were trying to do back then isn’t indicative of their intent. You CAN dps in blood just like you CAN do a lot of things.

I said immediately after the part you quoted that you COULD dps in blood given high enough armor pen but it’s a funnel of loot that could be better served on another DPS.

Yes, much like the druid feral tree, it’s got two specs in one tree. Dps and tanking talents

Blood is a DPS spec and tanking spec

Noooooo I thought you were a fellow DPS warrior brother! JK, that’s cool too. We need more prot warriors in the world.

This thread has me thinking about all the changes dk’s went through and I have to say, blood being forced into tanking only wasn’t the worst change imo. It was how breath of sindragosa ruined frost for me. I’m happy with any version of dk that doesn’t have that abomination of a talent.

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The only reason why I’m playing Frost instead of Unholy is because the pet AI sucks worse in Classic than retail.

Pretty sure by the end of Wrath, Blood became the tank spec. Makes sense, since we’re using the last patch of Wrath right now for classes.

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For real, now only if they could change unholy in retail… hate pimple popping.

I didn’t play shadowlands and haven’t really kept up on class changes in retail but considering how things were going at the time I quit I can only imagine.

as tanking goes these days i’m finding myself ahead of alot of other “dps” classes, especially on trash, protwarrior aoe/cleave is surprisingly good.

all thought that is falling behind a bit now that i’m changing my gearing for surviving raids, depending on how that goes i might dial the threat/dps stats up again

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It was prepatch I think, and it was very very late. All 3 specs are supposed to be able to tank and DPS, that was the niche of DK. Notice that most of their survival talents are low in the tree with each tree having one at the end (vampiric blood, unbreakable armor, bone armor). Compare to other tanking specs that are mostly defensive talents all the way up.

I do think it’s hilarious that we’re still having this conversation. Back in original Wrath everyone insisted that Frost was the tanking spec since you used Frost Presence to tank. Now it’s Blood since Blood is the tank on Retail.

I don’t think you understand the meaning of the word niche.