Buff Heart Strike | Blood DK is DPS not tank

It still is a DPS spec but just a bad one. Just like frost is bad for mages. Deal with it.

As someone who definitely tanked heroic and HM in wrath as a DK, all I can say is I wish you were able come back in time and show me how wrong I was to DPS / PVP as unholy and tank as Blood :joy:

Show us the way, blood DPS DKs hahahahaha

Did Blizzard make any class balance changes, be they nerfs or buffs, in the entirety of Classic Era or TBC Classic?

Why do people seriously think they’re going to start relitigating class balance in wotlk classic? They specifically use the final patch of each expansion because not only are most bugs (supposed to be) fixed, but also the classes are in what THEY consider to be their most balanced states.

Well yeah, I’m just commenting on people saying it was never a DPS spec. Compare these Ulduar DPS tier bonuses between DK and Warrior:

It’s like that for every tier, including ICC.

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Obliterate is Frost and Scourge Strike is Unholy, that looks like just a generic damage up tier bonus to me…

Yeah, and Prot attacks aren’t included in the Warrior DPS tier because Prot wasn’t designed as a DPS spec. They purposefully included a deep Blood talent on the DPS tier bonuses.

My guess is there’s a lot of people who weren’t around for vanilla or BC classic that don’t know what to expect and they’re treating it like they would retail. I have more than a few friends who came back specifically for this expansion of classic. I tinkered a bit in vanilla classic but didn’t really play it but I kept an eye on it so I know there’s little chance of any kind of class rebalancing, but it’s fun to talk about and reminisce about the differences between original wrath at this point and playing it in classic. Plus the servers are down so might as well come on here and chat about it.

Edit: And it looks like my server just came back up. Back to the game!

And the tank tier bonus (also from Ulduar) increases the damage of Rune Strike and gives you physical damage reduction with AMS, both abilities that you use as DK tank regardless of spec. With that in mind as well as the aforementioned 4-piece dps bonus including main abilities from all 3 specs, that just tells me that Death Knights were originally designed to tank OR dps with all 3 specs, not that Blood was designed to be dps

Tier 7 DPS set only increases the damage of Obliterate (Frost) and Scourge Strike (All 3), so what, is Frost the dedicated DPS spec for Tier 7?

That’s what I’ve been saying.

Also, being the keyword here. I probably should have just plainly said that DK’s were super designed to do everything in every spec.

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Frost was the original tank spec then it switched to blood. Blood has primarilly been a tank spec ever since.

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posted by a mage


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To be fair, they did say “viable”, and anyone playing Frost past leveling in Wrath is memeing…

Just curious but why is it not allowed to be DPS in this version? How much of a difference is there between the 3?

Um, yes it was a DPS spec

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It was a spec that could dps. It has never been a dedicated dps spec at any point in its life

Restores health… and keeps Blood Gorged active. There’s splash damage is raids, don’t act like you don’t know this.

Cute cherry pick

In wotlk all dk specs were viable dps and tank specs. They were literally the hero class.

tsk tsk. you’re intellectually dishonest. let’s do math though…

Unholy Frenzy is a big DPS CD.
Last talent point is DRW and a big DSP CD.

29 talents in the blood tree and 24 of them are DPS talents while the other 5 would fall strictly into defensive.

The math simply doesn’t support what you’re saying, and they were over nerfed back in the day. Blood was an amazing DPS class, not a tanking class.

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Literally making up nonsense

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