Buff Havoc DH, reminder everyday

ptr.wowhead /guides/demon-hunter-class-changes-shadowlands-patch-9-0-5
Just nerf the main covenants and then buff to other ones we dont use much, is a welcome but still doesn’t fix out survival, pvp is terrible. And we still need a little bust on dps, not much just a 3% for what I seen I do the same damage than other classes 10items levels lower than me.

yup we need another +5% baseline damage since they are nerfing our covenant class abilities by 10% for no reason lol
they need to redesign darkness into an aura or something too >_>


Havoc will be left at the bottom this xpac … it’s the price to be paid for the all the fun in Legion and BFA.

Accept it or re roll.


havoc dh is broken and the devs are too lazy to fix. dps low heres a 3% increase. they dont bother to take 15 minutes to figure out why its low, just want to say “oh we did something sorry the class still sucks, we tried”

unsubbing is really the only thing blizzard responds to.


Vengeance is performing excellent so its not DH. Just havoc is subpar to similar specs like WW.

Tons of RNG when you play Havoc, it can be pretty strong but othertimes not at all, demons bite is a range gain 20-30 fury, demonic appetite is random, if youre running fel blade theres also random chance it will reset so you can get more than 40 fury every 12 seconds, demons bite/demon blades resets fel blade and guess what demon blades itself is random, our BiS legendary is random trigger on blade dance (i refuse to use it) chaos strike has a fury return but its random, and worst of all… our main defensive darkness is also chance lol. so if you get lucky and The Hunt crits, your stuff triggers, darkness actually dodges big moves, your enemy will be like “wow i thought havoc wasn’t good” when in reality the entire spec is teetering on probability, most games your fury starved tbh, but hey triple jump !!!

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Crazy how the class went from god tier to garbage in one expansion, talk about overkill.


Buff havoc. It’s almost time to unsub.


Made me laugh- apparently a lot of Rogues went Kyrian and when levelling up in that same Covenant I sometimes kept bumping into a (usually) Sub Rogue for an hour or two on the same quest chain who delighted in the sap/kill every 5 min or so. It is kind of funny to look back now but at the time you can imagine it was like being trapped in a cage with a lion. I mained this Expac on my DH because of its survivability in BFA and before that I was on a BM Hunter that struggled for most of BFA and quit Dest Warlock after Legion when it also bottomed out. Cursed I guess to always make bad choices. Every dog has its day - maybe tomorrow, hey?

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Please blizz don’t forget about your most fun spec :frowning:

Fire mage, arms warriors (pvp) and balance druids are doing fine.

No need to worry there :wink:

I feel bad for you guys. I’m not a fan of elves so I didn’t play a DH during Legion or BFA, but with the new Shadowlands character customizations, I managed to actually put together a Night Elf Male that I could actually stand. But then Havoc was gutted, and it seems like I completely missed the train on the golden age of the Demon Hunter.

The class always felt rather simple, but it was efficient in its simplicity, performing excellently with a smaller but more focused selection of abilities. It fit the class fantasy.

But now the damage isn’t there anymore, the survivability is pretty much gone too, and if anything the class has become even more simple to play. Having a small selection of skills that do great damage and offer great survivability makes you feel like a highly-specialized killing machine. Having a small selection of skills that do underwhelming amounts of damage and offer disappointing survivability just makes you feel straight-up weak and inferior.

Maybe once enough Demon Hunters have rerolled to another class, Blizzard will take notice and slot the DH in for a revamp in a future expansion - hopefully the next one, but you know how busy they are making sure that hunters, warlocks, mages, and rogues are great DPS for every single tier of content.


Unsubbed yesterday, buff Havoc.


Yea …i’m approaching the unsub point i’v done everything i can it’s so bad and yet 9.5 havoc gets nothing ur just leaving us dead last and sucking it’s terrible…


Another AWC goes by without our class even in attendance. Blizzard are you paying attention to your game? Can you at least communicate something about this with your customers, or is that asking too much?

PS: fix MC bug & nerf exploiter buffs to war (and intervene)


Hey Blizzard, take this opportunity to regain MANY more subscriptions and BUFF HAVOC DEMON HUNTERS! You get more money in return and WE get to enjoy the class again.


Yep, the state of havoc dh basically shows that blizzards class design team has autisim and dosent know anything on fixing classes properly


Havoc is ridiculously weak. They’re like flash paper in a furnace.


class sux remindurr

we were week and dieing so fast, now in this patch they buff every one else… now we will die even faster…

but hey we got 500% unbound chaos! ba!

Sometimes the irony is so incredible in these forums I think Shakespeare could learn a thing or two