Buff fire mage

My mage just hit 80 and i would like this to happen because i would like it to happen.



This meta yearns for gpy’s


Me too I hate playing frost


I love my fire mage, it’s not geared but it’s fun and flashy to play.


Fire just feels like home whenever your on it

It’s probably just me but Sunfury on cleave dummies is almost equal to Frostfire single target dummy.

Sunfury just super bad. That hero tree needs the same rework dark ranger is getting.

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Smh, gravity lapse is SO cool and they’re getting rid of it :frowning:

Are they I wasn’t tracking they were? They were gonna change it to a stun then backpeddled on it and cancelled that was all I noticed.

Even worse, it’s a root now.

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yep… just more out of touch.

Tbh it should just move to base tree over supernova and delete supernova from game.

Sunfury should give option to upgrade it to a stun if anything.


supernova would be sick if they just buffed it…

Also give arcane the old AP back.

Fire needs more buffs to pyro.

Buff arcane too please.

I don’t know what since I don’t feel our damage is bad now but we don’t have finishing power outside of surge/touch and even then.

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Ya how exactly do you buff it though to make it compete with DB is the issue?

I think gravity lapse is the perfect spell visually and thematically to do it personally. If anything they should buff gravity lapse to kael’thas level and have everyone able to swim around in air for like 7 seconds. Still move and cast/attack normal but also able to air swim within spell confinement, heck let people swim to map ceiling LOL.

Give sunfury the option to make it like a 5 second AOE stun. Stil dont think that would unkill spec tho lmao

I miss ol AP animation. I think an easier compromise would be what Supa has suggested and putting surge on a different spellschool.

Fire needs a total rework mechanically. Pyroblast is one of longest hard casts in game and hits for as much as instant does. Really takes the luster out of spell. The whole crit mania thing with reduced crits in PVP and stuff like RoS mechanically breaking spec is really poo.

I don’t think i’d wanna see fire running around doing unhealable instant dam all game. I feel like the solid compromise would be changing unleashed infernos PVP tuning from 18% to full power so when we pull trigger on combust its big dam again.


Feels like your struggling for presense outside cds on arcane sometimes.

They give supernova to only arcane mage and give DB too only fire mage.

It never used to be like this, it used to hit like a truck, they need to figure out how to bring it back to that hard hitting, big crit, huge ignites, etc.

No way to actually do that without impacting PVE or reworking spec.

To many ways to generate pyro now instant wise, additionally to stuff like firestarter and hyperthermia as well. Getting a hyper and obliterating someone would feel good to be on receiving end of. Just instant cast pyro spam maybe a timeanomaly proc goes off with it and your getting machine gunned for chaos bolt pyroblasts lol :joy:

Have to look at things objectively for the sake of balance.

Ya but arcane already sucks booty. It would only make it suck worse. Mage isnt only one with homogenized utility either. It would take a WOD level pruning to do that to everyone again and I don’t think it would be well received personally.

No going back

Touch goes with pom can still wreck, especially with some stacks of missiles on the target, I hit someone for a 1.4m instant blast which was funny but rotationally we’re just in a weird space.

Maybe the increase to clear casting from the spellslinger overhaul will be enough to boost our sustain that people don’t want to stand in the open against us indefinitely outside of surge.

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Ya sometimes it feels like you get no missile procs and ur like uh…ok hard casting blasts i guess

Which is very fun into stuff like Ebola or frost fmp :clown_face:

It feels like every other caster gets serious instant cast damage and we just kind of don’t. Yeah an arcane missile channel hits as hard as a single ice lance but by the time I’m done channeling I’ve been hit by 3 lances.

Haunt windows and free shadow bolts hitting for like 800k are still devastating from Aff.


What could be fun is proccing instant cast arcane blasts that you can use while channeling missiles, sort of like fireblast when casting other stuff on fire previously. Gives you more filler damage.

It just feels bad being one of the most cast heavy casters in the game that just has no pressure outside of one minute thirty second CD. And you’re defensively weaker too. Ah well, hoping for 2200 this weekend in blitz, lmao.

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