Buff everything!

Let me preface everything by stating the buffs to ferals and rets were great, maybe just a tad much on ferals but it’s never good to nerf anything unless it’s game breaking. And it’s not, they were bottom of the meter the entirety of classic wow, let them cook.

With that being said, I play four classes with 97+ parses on all of them, elemental /ret/balance/fury. Performance of a class should generally be gauged around a 95 percent parse, anything higher involves pis /focus magics/ undesired padding(di’ing on kologarn) etc.

When you look at boss dmg dealt in any raid, it shouldn’t be so skewed that specs are doing 20%+ more dmg than others on every fight. No one should be turned down for raids when showing proof of clears/high parses in said raid because that person plays an unmeta spec/class.

People immediately try to take multiple locks/multiple rogues/multiple dks, why? Because it does the most dmg. Lots of people are crying for feral nerfs with the argument that people will only take ferals now because of util??? Dude, no one forms a raid…. And goes “we need more bres’s and innervates here”… never, in the history of time.

The only concern when forming a raid on what class to bring SHOULD be, are raid buffs and debuffs covered? Do I have enough tanks? Healers? The game never should be focused on class stacking. Look at the top guilds, entire groups full of dks and locks, do I want them nerfed? No, no one wants there class nerfed…Everyone knows they’re currently the strongest dps in the game by leaps and bounds, and people try to emulate this by gatekeeping everything else that isn’t a meta classe/spec.

Point is, EVERY class, EVERY SPEC should be viable. No class should be tiers ahead in dps.

Take one look at logs, how can anyone logically tell me why arms/frost/BM/marks/balance/blood dps/subtlety/ret/ele/ destro/arcane is performing that poorly? Before someone starts shouting “it’s a pvp spec”… no dude. When it was designed that way in original Wotlk, I promise you blizzard didn’t sit back and make specs trash in pve because they know it’s good in pvp, people realized it was bad in pve, because of a flawed spec design, and it has been left that way out of laziness.

No reason in the world, that right now classes/specs have problems getting into a raid because that class/spec just literally can’t do good dmg even if played perfectly.

Also the scaling logic… “oh don’t worry bro, fury warriors are scaling”. On god they won’t, and neither will MM hunters. They literally jumped like 20 llvls this phase and jumped up 2 spots on wc logs. Meanwhile dks and locks went up thounds of dps this phase.

TLDR, keep the buffs coming. Every class/spec should have a spot in the raid if played well. If you’re not going to balance everything, just put a warning on the character creation screen that tells the players that class only has 1-2 viable specs in pve scenarios. Happy for the ferals!


I hate the ret buff.
Not that it was buffed but the way that it was. Should of done a change to the talents instead of a glyph that adds a free 8k attack with no gcd and a low cd.


Yeah it was a lazy buff, but no class should be that low on the meter, they also argued that come ICC “rets are going to be out of control!”, but they won’t. Buff em again. They’re still dog on meter.

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They should of just buffed crusader strike back to 110% and the special attacks applying seals.

Sadly they couldn’t touch righteous vengeance since it being a dot is tied to t9 4pce. Originally it was a crit damage buff.

Yeah just a bandaid fix, quite certain they don’t implement changes at a quick rate because they have 2-3 people managing all of classic wow.

Hand of reckoning will be hitting for 15k+ soon.
They’ll either nerf it or remove it.
So they could of gone a revert route vs adding things to the game.

It was done that way because hand of reckoning does no damage in PVP. Other buffs to talents would have screwed PVP balance as well.

Ret is awful in pvp though. It needs a major buff, the top “ret” build doesn’t even get crusader strike and it mostly heals

I don’t think anyone actually plays true ret outside of bgs.

Melee with no interupt, low dmg.

So they play preg and are a healbot that dispels

Yes, but the change was made purely to change how Ret sits on the meters in PvE in particular. They didn’t want to mess with PvP whatsoever, which is also why they just undid the hotfix for feral druids, because it was a hamfisted nerf that impacted feral in PvP.

Let them pump bro. Who cares if they’re strong, they have been weak forever. Let people have fun. The spec was useless before this. You would have a feral soaking rogue gear while only bringing a brez.

Well, it’s because they overbuffed it then decided to nerf a talent that lowered pvp damage.

Ret is bad in pvp and pve.
I say that as a ret player.

You’re right, they need another buff. They say that they don’t want them too strong due to dsac when every raid comp already has 3… should have buffed them more.

Could move dsac further down.
That adjusts ret and holy.

Also very dumb that you can cancelaura the penalty of using dsac.



Okay first let me say I 100% agree with you In a perfect world Classes are perfectly balanced however We do not live in a perfect world.

And here’s the thing speaking from Somebody that has played a ret From original tbc - df I can tell you It doesn’t get better Is technically it gets better for pvp in cata and mop Especially in mop But that’s only because everybody can do everything.

Wrath Back in 2008 Youth was the best balance the games ever been at for pve and pvp It wasn’t that bad however that’s the way people played back then it’s a very different game now.

And the problem is You have to take classes utility Into account as well let’s say they were ill to balance everybody perfectly.

Well then you just take the classes that have the best utility I’m OK with them doing balance changes I get where you’re coming from but the problem is where do you draw the line.

I mean with ret Personally I do like the changes. I would have been a little bit happier if they went a little bit further Like maybe making shards of light give 40% Instead of 30 but You know that’s all here say.

The truth is there is always going to be a meta If there’s always going to be a best and a worst unfortunately.

With tanks,Healers,dps I’m okay with blizzard doing balancing The problem is it’s always a fifty fifty chance It can turn out the way ret did or What happened with Druid.

Because the truth is Blizzard just isn’t good at balancing On top of that A lot of it I would have to do with the gear that’s available like toc.

Is where I remember ret,Combat,Fire and Fury really picking up because of armor pen and cerit and or Set bonuses Will that happen again don’t know.

My point is I think it’s just kind of unrealistic to hope that blizzard is able to balance every single class in speck It’s a nice dream and I do agree that they should but I also don’t know or think that it’s possible to do.

You might not do it, but Arenas is a thing. What you are suggesting is going to kill that just so people can be higher on a “dps” meter.

Arena is dead, but regardless making any change to pve numbers doesn’t mean changes in pvp numbers. Anytime a pvp scenario starts, it can be coded in a way that will pull numbers back to the way it is now.

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I mean yeah and that’s the thing I mean That’s the problem with older versions of the game you run into this problem. Where what players will do with the classes now.

And how it was back in the day are too completely different animals toc Was where a lot of specs started to come into A-line life? Well that still happen it’s really hard to know.

But as I said It doesn’t get better Do you think things are going to be more balanced in cata or mop Or hack even classic plus ?

The chances are probably not Good balances extremely hard to do that’s just a fact Especially if we’re talking about pvp and pve yon no

Okay. At this point you are just clueless.

Can someone explain to me why they cant do the PVE/PVP buff separation like they do on retail?

Like why can’t things be read as a flag when attacking other players as opposed to npcs?

Yall get what im saying? Like why can’t they just buff separately from pvp as they do pve? Aren’t we on the shadowlands or legion client?