Buff cap and hidden auras

I can’t believe its a blue post.

The gods shine upon us this day.

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:smile: xd

nice so you remove our current enchants from messing up our world buffs only to add more enchants that do mess up our world buffs!



Any chance we can put in a ticket to get the arcanums removed from our item or delete our item and return an item without enchant on it?

Do you mind providing a list of all the items that are considered helpful auras and will take up a slot?

You say “Arcanum enchants that will come from Dire Maul.” Does that mean the Arcanums from before don’t, or all arcanums do, including the new ones?

Also, this. I’d love to be able to remove these effects so I can actually use world buffs without being worried that a Renew is going to push it off.

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Thank you very much for this! The warriors and rogues in the guild have been losing their minds over this.

It would be lovely to know, and absolutely worth checking with your reference client. Currently, the Tribute buffs from Dire Maul can be stacked by running a new lockout after gaining the buffs, this can be used to, for example, gain hundreds of AP and multiple +15% stamina buffs, until you fill up your buff slots. I know things take time to confirm, but it would be wonderful to know if this is truly intended or not! A lot of people are afraid of being banned, it FEELS unintentional, but old sources (I don’t seem to be allowed to link sadly) seem to say this existed back then.

spend 1200G on lionheart helm

enchant it


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Is every healing class but Paladin going to get a free class change because of this? Is every piece of gear going to be able to be duplicated so one can be for raiding (without arcanums) and one for pvp (with arcanums)?

#NoChanges is just a meme btw; you’ve already changed the game with layers, so no one’s going to be mad at legit QoL bug fixes.

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so in other words nothing useful was done this day.
GG Blizzard.

For people who like to minmax the game this is pretty much gamebreaking. I watched one of my favorite streamers, a warrior, get all his world buffs and stack pots and jujus, only for his songflower to be pushed off by a priest bubble or some other dumb buff.

For those people who enjoy the min max, this is basically an unsubbable bug. They spend hours farming buffs and getting pots, only for this well known issue have something dumb like underwater breathing push off their hard earned work.

Many people continue to play only with the implied understanding that this is all temporary and will eventually be fixed.

it has been acknowledged, and supposedly addressed, but it is still not fixed. Just like feign.

This stuff matters to people. Maybe not you. Hell, maybe not even me. But none the less, still needs to be fixed immediately.

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They announced in the OP that we will most likely never reach the passive aura cap so thats ok.

Just to give people an idea of how many helpful auras warriors (alliance tanks specifically) are dealing with:

Should Always Have

  1. Paladin Aura
  2. Fort
  3. Gift
  4. Kings
  5. Might
  6. Leader of the Pack
  7. Trueshot Aura
  8. Furious Howl (hunter wolf pet)
  9. Flask
  10. Mongoose
  11. Juju1 (str)
  12. Juju2 (ap)
  13. Gift of Arthas
  14. ROIDS or Ground Scorpok Assay
  15. Flurry (talent)
  16. Enrage (talent)
  17. Crusader 1
  18. Crusader 2
  19. Helm Arcanum
  20. Legs Arcanum
  21. Rallying Cry
  22. Songflower
  23. DM stam
  24. DM AP buff
  25. Battle Shout
  26. Food
  27. Blood Pact
  28. Bloodthirst

Not Essential, But Commonly Used
29) Light
30) Sanctuary
31) Renew
32) Rejuv
33) Regrowth
34) Power Word: Shield
35) Inspiration (priest talent)
36) Thorns
37) Fire Shield
38) Elixir of Fortitude
39) Elixir of Superior Defense
40) Potion Effect (Mighty Rage OR Free Action OR Greater Stoneshield)
41) Rumsey Rum
42) Savory Deviate
43) Shield Spike (this would mean you could only have 1 Crusader aura though)
44) Mithril Spurs (shouldn’t have this enchant, but yea…)
45) Shoulder enchant from ZG or Argent Dawn rep (will become essential)
46) Cloudkeeper Legs 100 AP buff
47) 2nd Paladin Aura (for some bosses)
48) Juju Ember (fire resist)
49) Juju Flurry

We Think Don’t Count As Helpful Auras, But Not Sure
Dense Sharpening Stone or Weightstone
Elemental Sharpening Stone

List will obviously be slightly different for horde, and I’m sure I’m forgetting a few, but as you can see, it’s VERY easy to get to the cap of 32 “helpful auras.”

It’s incredibly frustrating to have to bind all my abilities to a /cancelaura macro, force our priests and druids to NOT use hots or pws, and avoid using a dozen of the buffs that my class can benefit from. Is there a good reason why we can’t raise the “helpful aura” cap to 100 or some other unreachable number, like you did for passive auras? What’s the downside??


There are still some enchantments occupying helpful slots

This was the case in our 1.12 reference.


It would seem vanilla had a limit for how many buffs people could stack themselves

more like “possible for the most dedicated”

I swear people will complain about anything. Honestly, the entire goal of re-releasing Classic was so that people could go through that experience again and appreciate it once more. Now we’ve got trolls 2.5 months after launch asking Blizzard to increase the buff cap past what it was in the reference client so that they can break the game even more than it already has been by Addons, the Community’s VASTLY improved knowledge of the game since Vanilla, and, of course, Layering and Leeway.

You guys need to lay off. I don’t understand how something that is such a joke with only half of the aura slots filled can cause you this much frustration. Stop trying so hard. This isn’t mythic raiding. It’s a classic 40-man WoW Raid where literally 15 people can be afk and the raid can still be cleared. Maybe even more.

Start trying when you get to Naxx 2-3 years from now. Until then… Be quiet. Enjoy the game for what it is.


Some of you guys are extremely dramatic. Game breaking lol. We haven’t been able to get the Ony buff cause we raid later than some other guilds that put it up. We don’t waste time getting the flower buff. We don’t get the ubrs FR buff. We one shot rag with 30 people our first time seeing him. We clear MC in less than 2 hours.

Our raid doesn’t flask. None of our guys are close to the buff limit. Don’t need don’t care.

Vanilla is BRAAAAAAAIN DEEEEEEAD easy. You see more mechanics in a retail leveling dungeon boss than any boss in vanilla. You guys are acting like it’s the Olympics or a life or death contest.

It’s not the end of the world if you don’t have world buffs. ZOMG GUYS. BETTER TRY TO GET TOP PARSES ON CONTENT THAT WAS SMASHED 15 YEARS AGO.

Man some of you make my sides hurt. :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Guess what? Most of them optional. How much FR do our non-tank classes wear on Rag? 0.

How many people flask? Zero. You are brain dead if you’re wasting flasks in MC. ROFL. I just. Man lol. Any guild worth anything is saving their flasks , hoarding them for content that matters.

You can sub 2 hour MC with 40 bodies with hardly any buffs other than class specific and elixirs / foods.

I could see wasting all of the consumes on content that matters (even naxx will be a ton easier than people think) but come on maaaaaaaaan. MC? ONY??? Really? ROFL. You can literally AoE Domo. MC, Ony, Bwl, and probably even AQ will be Geico.

There is nothing to “fix”. There is a cap of 32. Pick and choose what you need to do to not go past the cap. The end.

Has anyone seen this video?

I was just straight up laughing the whole time at how stupid this entire situation is

Again, nobody is saying the game is hard. But getting as many buffs as possible and min maxing everything to do the highest damage possible is all part of the fun of the game

Your entire post is talking about how easy the game is and how none of these are nessiscary. You completely missed the point.

And besides, maybe a few guilds do need that little extra oomf to get through content. They shouldnt need to worry about hidden buff auras knocking off their spells.

It’s game breaking because some people spend hours on this stuff only for it to fall off for no reason

You obviously don’t understand the community you’re playing with. I’ve seen people flat out raid quit because some idiot wipesimply because it wasn’t fun for him to play without full world buffs, not because the content was undoable because of it

Learn to read dude