You get Rag and TF for like 2 years.
You really get usefulness TRUE usefulness for like 2-3 months for Atiesh
Atiesh is the most iconic staff in the entire lore, yet is irrelevant fairly quickly.
Thunderfury… a sparkling little toothpick
It really is like 2006 all over again
I agree with OP. I will never get atiesh so this isnt coming for a place of selfishness but it always seemed so overshadowed by the other leggos both in nilla and TBC.
I think it looks cool too. I like the simple silhouette. Plus its up there with ashbringer in terms of lore relevance
Atiesh is useful for all of phase 1 of TBCC and maybe some of phase 2 if you aren’t a selfish player that only worries about yourself.
Stay classic-only. Problem solved.
Atiesh users are going to be last in line for upgrades. If you have Atiesh, you’re going to be using it until T6 raids:
Warlock Atiesh vs Illidan staff. Atiesh gives 315 spellpower with a full caster group.
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Most Atiesh’s will be replaced by the end of Kara with MH/OH combos.
How do you figure? For small group play, sure. In 25 player raids, Atiesh isn’t replaced by this. Atiesh users will be the last to get upgrades as well. It could be late into T5 or T6 before it’s worth giving big items to Atiesh users.
Preach Delimicus. Seriously.
I’m pretty sure even hearing that kind of information about it being used to buff other people’s numbers will be enough for some people to trash their atiesh. You know, cause raid success doesn’t matter, DPS parses do.
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They can’t buff it. It’s gotta be useless so you’ll get rid of it and they can give it to Kadghar 
I think it also largely depends on what kind of guild and DPS composition you’re running. I’ve been reading a bunch about Arcane Mages just destroying in good comps with short fight durations. If you’re a Warlock with an Atiesh in one of those guilds, (if Arcane does as well as I’m hearing it will) then you’re going to be using that thing forever.
I have no desire to go grab screenshots, but for Druids/Priests, Lights Justice + Tears of Heaven smashes the Atiesh. I’d need someone more aware of mages to speak on their behalf, but the trade off would be -100 spell power and -12 crit rating for the mage in exchange for 28 crit rating to 4 other people. The warlock scenario you keep referencing seems like a very small scenario, so my point remains. Most Atiesh’s will be replaced by the end of Kara with MH/OH combos.
T4 is short but I think fight length becomes a lot longer is t5 and t6.
Shadow priest with Atiesh in the Arcane Mage group…heck yeah lol.
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fam just throw mongoose on there and boom
This is bis.
Add in a rshaman for Mana tide and we Gucci.
I’m still curious how arcane will perform in t5+ idk how long the fights last.