Buff Atiesh

The shorter the fight the better. It’s like one giant snowball.

Imagine if the meta just revolved around having fights so short that Arcane just has the best advantage by far…they’d be the new warrior stacking…hunters wouldn’t be as common…warlock would be there to curse the thing being arcaned to death.

I mean I agree it’s just that will fight be that short in later phases.

Like I really want to play Arcane because I love the spec except the guild I’m in right now is only running one mage per 25 man.

Two mages total so I have to trial against 15 mages for two spots lolol

4 warlocks in a group with atiesh is theoretically bis so I imagine people will be farming it out in tbc

athiesh got buff it not give 600 ap to feral druid. Not sure what you are on about.

Get shreck

stay in classic era
problem solved


That sub par dps.

Why would you put 4 locks in a group? THey need a boomy and an elemental so its 3 locks in a group

We getting nerfed TF in TBC and Hand of Rag was a meme even at 60/ Classic. Atiesh is viable in some raid comps/stacks and you get a portal for Kara which people will run until the end of TBC. Seems like you don’t know anything about gear, in this case what does it matter? It’s wasted in your hands.

Would never use that many sub par dps in 1 group, let alone 1 raid…oof

Nope. End of tier 5 at the earliest, ALso comparing an entire group armed with felpuppy on a stick to the much more powerful archi sword + offhand is not the way to go if you’re trying to point out extremes.

boy aren’t you gonna be a sad panda when you don’t get a raid spot over a lock


The arcane dream is real.

Locks don’t even peak until t6.

They will embarrass you from day 1 till the end

I understand you’re trying to hurt me and I can respect that but if you knew anything about the game you know for a fact they don’t beat arcane in tier 4 and tier 5.

I think the bigger question is how long it will take your guild to adjust and bring more than 1/25?

In unbuffed content arcane is trash till t5 and then just meh

In t4 arcane basically starts with hit cap and locks have to sac all dps stats for it.

T5 no one outdoes an arcane.

These aren’t private servers where boss health is over double what actual TBC was.

I think you’re expecting 7 minutes fights when they will be 3 minute fights.

The beta showed us that no fight was hard or long, t4 is just rolled over, and no one beats an arcane mage in short fights.

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