Buff alliance racials or BC will be worse than classic

No, you’re upset that blood elves do more damage (slightly) at the cost of their own hp, which in turns forces their healer to spend more mana. Seal of blood is fine, so is it’s alliance equivalent which is a dot, I shouldn’t need to explain why a dot is sometimes preferable. They’re both fine. Complaining about them is pointless.

Lol cry more, racials are fine in vanilla, if you’re upset that orcs get a berserk ability that cuts incoming healing for twice the duration of the enrage maybe you should reroll horde and see it’s not as impressive as you think.

Mental gymnastics, gotcha.


And the hordie got disgruntled. Make sure to never stop wearing those rose tinted glasses and stay delusional.


No, you’re being disengenous now, you can’t refute anything I said, because you know I’m right, 5-7% more dps at the cost of the paladins own health is balanced, stop whining. Alliance paladins are good in their own way and you know it, you wanna play classic bc deal with what’s In it.

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If you give Horde draenei- Draenei have pallies and shammies.

If you give Alliance belfs- Belfs have only pallies.

So Horde would get pallies out of a trade, but Alliance wouldn’t get shammies.


Sad, you’re only here to mock and belittle others because of the faction they play on? Alliance racials are niche just like horde ones, if you believe horde are so much better, then play horde.

No it isn’t, a bit of health loss means nothing when it comes to any form of content, whether it’s pvp or raiding, and that is the case for both progression and the current min/max parse meta.

Frankly, the current meta even further values something like seal of blood heavily.

Also- predictable, small health loss is a balancing factor the same way wisp form is a balancing factor to UD fear immunity.


Didn’t this place constantly speak about “not min-maxxing”, and here you are complaining people will do it.

It’s funny because you say things like “you can’t refute anything I said” while people complaining about imbalanced servers seems to be the #1 discussion since classic launch.

In Classic wow the racial differences account for a possible 1-2% overall difference in class dps (Orcs/Trolls depending on class).

This 1-2% difference was the driving factor that lead top guilds to pick Horde over Alliance in Classic. These top guilds attract all their little fans and you literally have a real world example of how a 1-2% advantage has resulting in massive population imbalances.

Now, you are here, trying to honestly tell me that the carry over of the classic racials combined with an additional racial through Seal of Blood effectively make horde paladins perform 5-7% better than their alliance counter-parts “is fine”.

Okay buddy. Maybe look up the definition of “disingenuous” before you use it.


Ah, right! The goats are pallies too. Shaman dwarves then!


This isn’t BFA, Mana preservation is real in BC especially when pushing content that you don’t yet out gear, in pvp the paladin only hurts himself by running seal of blood as he’s draining his own hp Everytime it procs. It’s balanced and it’s fine. Seal of the martyr? I think it’s called provides a little less dps but sticks on the target if for some reason you can’t stay connected and doesn’t harm you, it’s a fair trade off.

No, the “top” guilds only care about squeezing out as much as possible and their mindless drones that follow their word as gospel are fodder. All content is classic -bc is clearable day one if your players are good, APES are alliance after all, not Horde. A 1-2% difference is nearly nothing.

Did you even play in TBC?

Druids will be hot’ing consantly while keeping lifebloom on tanks and using Tranq. The damage from seal of blood was never an issue, ever, with anyone and if it for some reason it was an issue for you that’s due to player ability not mechanics. Can’t heal through stupid.


A 1-2% difference literally resulted in the faction imbalance you’re seeing now.

But by all means, please ignore hard evidence in favour of your feelings.


Yes actually I started playing in BC and I know for a fact that not all healers are good at preserving Mana and not everyone is in Bis gear at all times. You know healers go oom and they don’t always appreciate the paladin who’s gutting himself just do to a little more dps.

That would mean something if healers went OOM in TBC. They don’t.

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Good ones maybe, there’s alot more bad players than you think.

Your healers maybe. I don’t remember anytime pre-sunwell where healer mana was an issue with innervates, shadow priests and mana tide for all.

Yes, like I said not everyone did a perfect job or had the optimal comp. As for your comment about faction imbalance, that’s a whole combination of different things.

Some people got sick of the self defeating attitude of alliance on retail and went horde in classic, some are mindless goblins that follow their “elite” players word that horde are straight up better and can’t think for themselves, some people just like horde for the appearance. There’s always more than just one factor. I’d also blame people being cowards that transfer off server and ruin other servers balance instead of sticking it out on their own.