Yea morb is awful but death coil hits harder than scourge strike which costs 2 runes. It does need to be fixed so it’s not a complete waste of runes.
This is trolling at this point.
Lets not forget they originally nerfed it because it was doing too much dmg in pvp… pvp now is dead.
Buff 2h SS
Where did Ret dominate the whole expansion? It was the worst dps class by far until it was buffed, then the buff only brought it to middle of the pack, with a higher than average on cleave fights. It only started getting good recently (even with the buffs) with full TOGC gear.
But honestly even if it was good the whole expansion, if you want to use the expansion’s theme, then yes the entire class in all facets should have been broken, just like DK.
Coming off a high in TBC? Really?
Holy was by far the worst healer in TBC.
Ret was good single target dps but had literally 0 cleave damage.
Prot was very good if played correctly but was gimped compared to the other tanks in everything but AoE. There were 12k Prot Paladins that tanked Brutallus compared to 36k Prot Warriors and 55k Bears.
And coming off a high, doesn’t that also mean Warriors should be the worst class in the game even with full gear? Since they were by far not even close the top damage and best tank in Classic, and by the time of BT onward Fury was one of the best dps. So where’s your call to nerf Warriors?
This is actually a very very valid point, thanks for bringing this up!
You forget the WoW community is always hyper focused on what is the best. The best spec, rotation, gear, race, ect. Deviating from this is greatly looked down upon. Some even consider it to be griefing or trolling the group if you aren’t doing what is considered the “best”. I hate this mindset, but that’s how the community is.
None of this supports your argument. At all. It is still viable. It is not optimal.
These words have meaning.
Yeah, I hate DW and only finally switched because my GM wanted me to.
Wanna hear something else that will send the sheeple into a frenzy? Subtlety is also viable. I convinced a Rogue in my guild to give it a try yesterday. I think it was his first time raiding as Sub and it’s likely he wasn’t completely optimized or playing perfectly:
His DPS on Rotface was 7% worse than his last week Assassination parse. You also have to factor in the little bit of DPS that the Hemo debuff brings. I think it’s probably an additional 150 raid dps, or so. Completely viable.
Was thinking the same thing… UH DK sound like furies now lol.
Still going with blood dps because it’s fun to play. That’s the point of the game for me.
The sweatlords think they’re the only ones who play the game.
A bunch of specs are viable. They just aren’t top tier which is all the crybabies here care about.
Right they had a reason… Definitely wasnt just some idiots pulled an idea out of their dark orifice. How many changes did they make during the entirety of original WOTLK? Furthermore, the classic version used the final version of balancing.
I just want the big shadow dmg crits like they were in my rose tinted glasses.
One opinion I still think holds up from back then… GS addon is one of the worst things to happen to the game. It’s definitely worse this time around. I should not be getting kicked from a VoA on 4.8k Assass rogue (fully gemmed and enchanted) “Lol go run some gammas” ITS VOA
Especially when you’ll get kicked from Gamma for being under 5k as well.
Agreed… only ignoring mechanics and causing wipes is worthy of kicks IMO. Dont care about GS. I actually like helping folks gear up. Just know your stuff is all I ask.
Not to play devil’s advocate too much, because I personally agree ferals do too much damage for a hybrid class that shines in any spec they choose…but I’m pretty certain that UHDK with a 2h SM is going to land in the top 100 again for parse fights (festergut, rotface, saurfang). Right now with just the 4pc it’s nothing compared to what ferals/locks/mages/ret can get from theirs. But once they have SM, UHDK will be back up there again…so they very likely don’t need a buff at all.
That being said, I’m fairly certain ferals should still get a nerf (at least in my opinion). It’s not a balanced class for a hybrid, the amount of utility they bring, with such a high damage output, and they make great tanks and healers…I mean that’s sort of busted. Hybrid classes in most MMOs have a drawback where if you’re the jack of all trades class, you don’t get to be the best at everything (also resto isn’t the best healer, it’s still very good). You can’t really say the same thing about DKs, blood DK is the worst main tank, and obviously they can’t play a healing class.
Tangentially in PVP (which I understand blizzard doesn’t care about), ferals once again have so much utility and just an absurd damage output. It’s clear that they’re doing too much. BUT all this being said, I still don’t see a strong reason to buff 2H UHDK.
Anyway, that is my $0.02, happy to be proven wrong though if someone has a solid counter argument.
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