Buff 2H DK T10 And Scourge Strike PLease Blizzard

Title, Buff Scourge strike by making it Full shadow damage as it was on first patches of original WOTLK, and the 2nd Bonus of T10 increase the 3% dmg to 10% while all runes are in cooldown. At the same time rollback all the changes you did to ret paladins and feral druids, they were bandaids to help those specs in phase 2 and we’re in phase 4 now so they are no longer needed.


I don’t understand the ‘Pio’ thing, even with their cringe hand of reckoning buff they still do less dmg than a DK with Shadowmourne, anyway copium

It’s a meme. Learn to laugh a little Francis


Gnomes are only good for punting. That’s why they’re so angry all the time.

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Nah, DKs (at least gargoyle lmao DKs actually do 0 damage they just right click the boss) have been top damage all expansion. Sorry lil bro, other classes get to actually scale.


Wah wah uh dk not #1 spec for 1 out of 4 phases

Scourge Strike is fine. Here’s a log of a 2h UH on Heroic Saurfang using plenty of Scourge Strikes:


It’s not the meta, but it’s fine. That’s a 99 parse from a Scourge Strike spamming, 2h UH DK. People exaggerate how “bad” things are on this forum.

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People exaggerate how bad furies are… especially that one troll who keeps making new topics complaining about rets nonstop.
That’s pretty much what this forum is about. Complaining and whining about something instead of enjoying the game.
Personally I can’t wait to convert my frost dk to blood dps when I get around to dusting this toon off.


That was DW build with cringe rotations. 2H was never a thing before, so the request is to target 2H Unholy specifically, if Blizzard wants to nerf DW even more by all means do it, nobody cares, and those players that ‘were in love’ with DW in phase 1-3 are all gone and moved to frost so. at this point it doesn’t matter anything related to DW. Again buff 2H Unholy and revert Ret/Feral buffs that were ONLY INTENDED TO HELP BEFORE PHASE 4.

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2h Unholy is absolutely fine.

Please elaborate why it’s fine. Give valid arguments, as of right now all you have is ‘Trust me bruh’, care to share valid sims? I’m curious.

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If you can 99 parse with it, it’s fine. Here’s another one, rank 77 UH DK on Heroic Sindragosa. No Ghoul Frenzy, no DnD; no Blood Boil, just spamming Scourge Strike. It’s his 2nd most cast ability:


There are plenty of UH DK’s out there that would outright perform better if they simplified their rotation and went 2H SS. But no, muhhhhh meta, muhhhhh theoretical DPS gain.

If there were more than the tiny number of 2H SS DK’s there are right now, I’d be able to find you plenty of top 100 kills. We both know there’s probably like 1/100th the number compared to Dual wield, so even finding a handful in the top 100 should make you think a bit.


Now compare that damage to the Ferals and Rets who still have unjustified buffs for phase 4. Mind you Blizzard nerfed Gargoyle and should be reverted as well

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I think you named your thread incorrectly
because this seems more like a nerf feral/rets thread than a buff 2h UH thread

I named it correctly, and yes, it is what it seems, a buff to 2h UH and revert the changes to rets/ferals, you read right REVERT THE CHANGES, they aren’t nerfs since they shouldn’t be here in the first place. they weren’t before and shouldn’t be here now. and if they are going to stay then we’re more than entitled to have a buff for 2h UH DK


Look at the danged log he linked second.

90k damage difference between the 2h unholy and the ret and the ret had a higher parse and higher ilvl.

So? that proves my point, Ret and Feral buffs should be reverted. they weren’t before and shouldn’t be here now and if they are going to stay then 2h Unholy deserves buff

Then explain why every single unholy guide put together by theorycrafters says 2h isn’t viable until you have Shadowmourne. Even other 2h heroic weapons aren’t able to make up the difference compared to DW. All the log you linked proves is that person was loaded with heroic TOGC gear which gives an ilvl advantage for this phase early on. Heroic T9 is huge for unholy and isn’t replaced until you have 4 piece heroic T10.

They will be, Cata prepatch.