Budget Built Help Please

I get that. In the future I’ll have to change both the cpu and board. At the moment however I don’t want to go beyond $400-$450. The i3 will keep me within my price range. As it stands I’m using a computer that can’t really handle the game with integrated graphics that are below the requirements. So with the i3 or anything my game play experience is going to improve.

Replacing the board and cpu in the future isn’t that big of a issue for me if I can stay within my current budget.

If you can stretch it a bit, this ain’t half bad



That’s putting me over $500 with tax. The build i was going to do its less and the with a better gpu. But thank you all the same.

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Have you considered looking up second hand deals?

No I haven’t. With electronics I’d much rather get it new so if there is anything wrong I have a warranty and the option of returning it to the store if need be.

Dont build a PC until 3000 series are available.

Prices will adjust drastically once their in stock regularly.

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I assume you mean the i3. If so, that’s what I’m thinking. There’s got to be a reason as to why it’s offered at such drastically different price points.

Thank you for the technical excellence in this discussion.

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It really has been very helpful, especially since I know next to nothing and had no direction.


Hi all it’s Kaileena the OP. After further research I finally figured out my build and the last 2 pieces, the mb and psu will be here on Friday! I went slightly over budget and while isn’t probably not the greatest build it should work for what i need to do. Here’s the link.

It was about $450 in total. I got the cpu for 150 from best buy, and that was lucky because 24 hours later it was sold out. With Microsoft 10 it’s more like $570 but that was a gift lol. Thanks for all the help and I’ll be in Shadowlands by Saturday.:blush::blush: