Bubble nerfed, time for shaman to get the axe

Shaman in PVP are the one reason I don’t want to play SoD. It is IMPOSSIBLE to fight a geared shaman, they do everything. Take no damage, heal themselves and others, deal uncounterable instant cast heavy damage. Even passive damage. It’s beyond broken. And has been for some time.

The amount of nerfs that paladins have received at this point with NO changes to how broken shaman are is unreal. We lost our bonus healing on ret gear, we lost damage during bubble now, and we have gained no secondary benefits to our kit.

Shaman runes are pound for pound better than every other rune for every other class and there is no competition or choice allowing you to pick every single one and have maximum power. Even shadow priests got a rune change for dispersion. Enough is enough.


Shamans are why i dont play blood moon, but i cant play BGs because paladins, too. So I am literally quitting sod today


Playing on a pve server is the best choice I ever made.


Bubble is still in the game and still has no counter however. Either they remove it from the game or add counters like mass dispel or shattering throw.

I didn’t say bubble wasn’t in the game, and it still has the same counters it always had. Movement abilities and Balefire.

Why? You do 50% less damage in it now. It doesn’t need removal. It does exactly what it’s supposed to.

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Please give bubble damage back to paladins they re whining out of control.

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/10 char

First weeks of phase 1 when some classes did nearly 3 times than others, i dont know what is relevant about my feedback 1 year ago, but shows how blizzard hurt you pinkyboy with the bubble nerf.

Seriosly i hope u get bubble combo back, some kind of players really need it.

you know, i was gonna do a detailed look back and quote all the changes and nerfs and buffs that have changed shaman and their relative power level in different specs and phases, but thats alot of effort to waste on someone who cant put forth the effort to make real criticism that doesnt rely on posting bs notions that dont line up with reality.

only the 31/31/31 spec shaman with every rune active at the same time could possibly do what you say and even the legendary 21 ele tank spec shaman isnt doing everything at once.

mind you i do think tanks of all stripes need looked at but the bs exaggeration that shaman are indestructible damage dealing gods is stupid and uneeded.

its time to nerf resto/ele shams that run full healing an tanks runes its broken if you cant admit it your the prob i told you what was wrong with ret its set bonus but yall whined an cryed about bubble

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Shaman have received very few if any changes. The primary one that comes to mind is Way of the Earth requiring a shield. The reason you won’t give meaningful feedback and just troll is because if you actually gave the details it would make you look way way worse. Because you know you don’t have a leg to stand on.

Yea not like shaman can’t get access to Riptide, Way of the Earth, Feral Spirits/Earthbind Root, Lava Burst and Instant Proc Lava Burst all at the same time while getting to stack spell damage and healing on their gear for high stamina, reduced damage, reduced melee crit chance (something the plate classes do NOT get since defense doesn’t work in PVP), auto lava burst crits, instant cast heal, and proc based burst. No surely not.

Shaman are literally leaps and bounds ahead of everyone in PVP. 1000%. It’s been true for three phases now. There is no argument you’re just wrong. You can come in here and muddy waters about PVE all you want and hem and haw because you refuse to admit your own bias and strength. But at the end of the day whenever I see world PVP happening, and it’s raid on raid, every other class melts while you have like 4 people wailing on the shaman and they won’t die, while throwing out 3k burst instant damage.

It’s every time now. There is a clear issue.

Imagine if 40 yard judgement rune was still around with T2 4 piece.


i know i think thats what bothers me i also have a sham i admit ret with both set bonus is wildly op some times but shams are just as broken if not more broken but they wont admit lol

Paladins do one thing. Hit hard in melee. That’s it. They have very little control or staying power, mostly reactive and they FOLD to purge. Shaman get to be solid healing, high burst, good utility, and incredibly tanky all at once. Paladins might have bubble but Shaman need tons of dedicated focus to take down, while a paladin without bubble dies in seconds without much protection to back that up.

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Grounding and decoy should share a cooldown


You have to understand, shaman may have S tier PvP and S tier pve specs.

Xtra will still cry he is underpowered because the guy is just a bad player. The fact he is still defending them confirms this.

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I am sorry, bro. This is not called Season of Shaman for no reason.

Shaman has been OP since the beginning of P2, and Devs have made it very clear through their actions that Shaman will continue to be a PVP god. So, if you wish to engage in PVP, i have the following advice for you:

  1. Play a Shaman;
  2. if you dont play Shaman, at least play on the Horde side; or
  3. if you just want to play alliance, play a class like warlock or sth.

It’s all lies. Shammies have never been S tier in SoD, have never been top damage in SoD. You can see multiple PvP vids of shammies getting wrecked in SoD. I saw a Reckoning paladin wreck a sham as well. And this guy is making this post about 5 months too late. Shams have already been nerfed, other classes buffed. Druid are more of a problem now than shamans are. This mage is my alt and even this toon can sometimes take out some shamans in a 1v1 but usually get wrecked by druids rather quickly.

More lies and muddy of waters. They have absolutely been S tier in PVP for three phases now. Everyone knows it. I can show you videos of anyone getting wrecked in PVP. What does that matter? That means literally nothing. I can crush some random 2H enhancement shaman in PVP easily. But the actual built shaman are broken in half.

And while we are on the subject, ele shaman is like number 3 on the damage lists for AQ last I checked behind TWO specs of warlock. So second best dps class seems PRETTY good.

Please by all means list the nerfs here. I will wait.

Druids took a hit to survivability. Not a problem. They are not uber tanky burst damage dealers with good healing.

“Because I personally am bad at the game my experience is the only thing that matters.”

Im right here with you my friend.

99% of the people on here dont do SERIOUS, high level pvp, They have never done classic or SOD wargames, never been in classic or SOD dueling tournaments, Never been to classic or SOD gauntlet PVP challenge. Literally nothing, and heck most people on here probably dont even know what half these things are.

Most of them dont do hours of theory crafting or experimenting a day to make sure what they are saying is correct. Heck most of these people arnt even engineering with flame reflector for lava burst for shamans. its just sad.

Fully geared Shamans are S tier, sure they have never won a dueling tournament, but they are ALWAYS second and third place or near it, and the reason why is VERY SIMPLE.

Their kit has everything. High armor, High block, Instant cast lava burst, Instant cast heals that also heal over time, instant cast slows, instant cast roots, familiars that stun heal and increase movement speed, Shamanistic rage (just look it up if you dont know what it does … and its on a 1 min CD which is NUTSSSSSS). They have percentage ALL damage reduction. Extra resistances with totems, buff purge… am i forgetting anything? it feels like it?.. but either way … yea its a FULL retail class meant for dad to farm people and think hes good.


You’re only capable of saying what other people say here on the forums. Not a single person who makes any PvP tier list on YT and who does end game SoD PvP and who is a R14 player has ever put them up as an S tier. It is only ever people like you who come here posting on non SoD toons just copying what other people are posting.

Other shamans have already listed them here on the forums when they had a rage fit about being nerfed.

No proof you even play SoD. I don’t think you do.
Druids are better than shamans are right now. You’re just saying what other people here have been saying, just copying their comments to try and sound like you know what you are talking about but you don’t. Shamans are not top of the top in SoD PvP right now.

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