BSG V SPM waiting room


lvl 10 alts/classic characters make me sleepy gn every1


Im ill informed

Did BSG or SPM win and what are the excuses?

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bsg, no excuses just firm handshakes

now the rabble are fighting for whatever reason idk nothing to see here

GG to both teams for showing up I guess. I hope you only face other premades in future <3


They wait until 4 set gear then accept a wargame .

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you mean the thing everyone gets at relatively the same rate

get on ur main or cease speaking to me anyways

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they would not accept a wargame when everyone had equal pvp gear at start . They accept game only when they have advantage . That weird.

how do they have an advantage, everyone has the same conquest cap, ur actually nuts lol


I assume its more of on the level of once mains are lucky enough to loot atleast 1 piece of tier from the vault I suppose then they q the wg


they wait until they have full set they no fight when everyone had no set they wait . They no fight when first ask they back out of it . But sudden when they have more gear they say it ok to fight ok

basic concepts about probability really chalks this all up to “coward hiding on alt copes about something they might not even have participated in?”

60 people, 30 per side, 3 weeks of vaults, ain’t no way you can logically claim one side stacked the deck

stay in school kids


If you raid while one side doesnt i suppose idk just a lack of trying then lol

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woah it changed my forums toon O.o

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Knew I smelled a lizard

Por qué las defiendes tanto por jajajajaja

hey man I’m not the one spouting nonsensical coping, while also hiding behind an alt

Also idk what the move is with the Spanish, was I not supposed to understand that?

Lo siento, el inglés no es mi idioma principal, solo sé algunas frases o palabras

ah ok, I’m just really used to people speaking Spanish or Portuguese thinking I can’t understand it lol

Sí, estoy haciendo lo mejor que puedo para escribir en inglés, pero mi punto sigue siendo el mismo con esos jugadores. Estå bien que pienses diferente. Solo estoy señalando su hipocresía.

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