Brutosaur % to appear in BMAH lowered/ Removed From BMAH Rotation

Bruh it was like quadruple rep gains. You could fill the entire bar with 5 WQs during that week. There has always been a multitude of ways to make a lot of gold.

Yep it was a hidden fact and they had to admit it after found out with data mining they were removing it…

So sorry you lost your chance to get the mount Nephritis…it just wasn’t right to remove it …they have never removed the other high gold mounts before and that is what pissed of the major part of player base that was working to get gold up to buy Brutosaur mount…players like Lsr always think players are in game 24/7 and have all kinds of time…but most don’t like you…

I take advantage of that to crash prices of mats I need. They underbid by 1s and I undercut them by 10%. repeat until it’s the price I want. Recently I crashed the price of heal and mana pots to stock the guild bank. I drove the price from 39g down to 10.5g and filled the bank. The cancel-scanner wasn’t expecting me to buy up all his potions, I bet.

If you played for those 9 months, you had around 8 “cheat weeks” to exploit the gold from WQ reps. So if you legit only played during those weeks you would of made enough gold to get the mount doing nothing else. Thats a little less than 2 months in game doing stuff day to day over the course of 9 months to get it. Anyone who wanted it got it, sorry not sorry.

I honestly wish they removed mounts from vendors more often, I wish the black widow mount got the same treatment to add to its rarity.

I’d like to see this verified by at least one more source. If it’s true I can stop watching for the mount and go spend all my gold on other stuff.

Why does a mount need to be rare?

FOMO is a terrible mechanic to try to use to keep people playing your game. Some people have jobs, limited energy to slave away, and such. It’s rather stupid to go “Oh but YOU aren’t good enough to have THIS mount because you didn’t waste your RL life by slaving away every single day for it!”

FOMO is something I absolutely despise, and limited-time BS like this is always going to be terrible game design. It’s one thing when it’s a mount that is just a reskin of another mount, but when you’re talking an actual functional item that has a unique use, then it’s something else entirely.

No, the mount doesn’t “NEED” to be rare. It’s unfair to newer players coming to go the game later, that they will never have the chance to get this mount by any reasonable means.

I hate it when people need stuff like this to feel like they are worth something. Find some self-worth in something that’s actually worthy of such.

And besides, they should have kept the mount available, just for the sole purpose of dealing with this ludicrous inflation of the market. Just think, if thousands more people would suddenly drop 5 million gold into a mount, how much better off the markets would be so you didn’t have to pay 50g for a single piece of ore or cloth on the AH.


It doesn’t, but it makes the mount/item/mog whatever worth getting. It’s just cool. Look at all the mounts I get for example from Korthia or w/e, I never use them because they aren’t cool since everyone and their grandma has it.

Same thing in real life tbh. Expensive brands are that way for a reason.

Using how many alts?

5,000,000 divided by 2500 = 2000. Let say you had the full 9 months and you were an average player with 500,000g. That means would have needed to complete 1800 emissary and paragon quests in 36 weeks. That’s about 50 per week, and that’s in addition to all the other content you had to grind to get your visions stuff, your corruptions, etc.

How about this?

Don’t pay attention to what everybody else is riding around.

Ride around on what YOU think is pleasing to YOUR eyes.

I just cannot understand this whole “I want to feel special so I need a mount nobody else has” thing.

But then, you mentioned name-brands, something else I don’t care about or understand. If I buy a t-shirt, I don’t care if it’s abercrombie, or underarmour, or whatever brands are out there.

I want it to:

1). Feel good while wearing it
2). Last awhile
3). Look aesthetically pleasing
4). Be a reasonable price.

I don’t care about the brand name, in fact I’d rather have a shirt that has no visible logo at all.

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I did have like 10 alts in 8.3, but still it wasn’t that much work since you had flying.

For what purpose?


FOMO/to feel special about himself.

He literally said he wants mounts he has to be rare so that he doesn’t see everybody else riding around on them.

Id like that too , i opened another ticket to check if theres a senior gm that can confirm this .
I know for a fact that some GMS can get confused sometimes even tho a GM or Game Master should have Great knowledge of the game to sort out questions or issues a player may have .
As per Lsr not everyone were playing at BFA , pretty sure not many came back after reading how much of a fail train it was including myself .
Theres plenty of people that came back for SL because of that aura from wrath and the themes that involved the Lich king , your elitist attitude doesnt really help anyone . I am pretty sure most of us players have Work , family ,school and cant invest hours and hours in the game.

Removing the mount is a slap to the face and a clear sign of bad game design , honestly friend with that attitude you dont impress no one in fact you repel any sort of sympathy any fellow player may have.

We still have Yaks with transmogs and mammoths with sellers , but why we cant have brutosaur with AH npc ? whats the reason behind so much hate to the mount and to the players looking for one . It makes no sense.

There are rare or unobtainable things that I feel should remain as such. But vendor mounts are not rare and should keep being obtainable.

He sounds like a problem and not a solution. How short sighted.

I only ride my spectral tiger(best looking mount in the game to me) and glad mounts, nothing else.

I agree in terms of fashion, but a lot of people will drool to rare cars or things like that.

The game is 17 years old. Why are they keeping anything ultra rare at this point?

BTW, Lsr is the type of guy who Blizz themselves made a parody out of:

Remember this little gem?

To make them worth getting. I don’t own the spider mount because it’s just not valuable enough for me to pay 2m for it. It’s just kind of meh. I wanted the bruto purely for convenience since I’m a raider and used to find myself running out of pots mid raid, this mount fixes that issue.

Yeah because its no longer rare, thanks to blizzards crappy wow token, so much gold has been injected into the market that you have hyper inflation. People are able to throw around large sums of gold like its nothing. Any more, having a million gold today is like having 100k gold back in wrath.