Brutosaur % to appear in BMAH lowered/ Removed From BMAH Rotation

Your statement doesn’t make sense.

You say you haven’t seen any for months, and they added it to box like a week ago.

So how was it lowered?

The mount was purchasable for 2 years during BFA.

People who try to buy it on the BMAH really missed the boat.


Just another “pull the ripcord” lie to try to mitigate the outcry from their decision to remove it but not telling us they were removing it until the BfA expansion was already half over.

Par for the course in their web of lies.

i feel disgusted by not only the move but by the keyboard warriors defending this BS , I am finally done with the game , whats the point of having 76 million g if you cant get the one thing you want not even on bmah , me and my friends are done.

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Dude, you just made a thread a few hours ago claiming it had been removed and could only be found in the BMAH boxes.

Stop making up stuff to stoke drama.

If you want to be critical of Blizzard, fine, but be critical for stuff they’ve actually done (and there’s plenty, hell, if you don’t want to rant about the Activision-Blizzard lawsuit and what’s going on there you can take aim at Domination Shards). Don’t make up crap and lie to people.

For those who aren’t aware. The OP made a thread titled “Brutosaur Removed From BMAH Rotation Completely.” and claimed he had evidence from a GM that proved it. That thread was 404d, so now he’s bumped this one to continue spreading misinformation about the Brutosaur.

The Brutosaur appearing on the BMAH is at the whims of RNG and that has not been changed. The only thing that has been changed regarding the Brutosaur is that it was added as a potential reward to the BMAH crates and that hotfix was implemented in July.


They cant even give their paying customers a finished product. With the rampant sexual assaults, cubicle crawls and phantom farting going on I doubt anyone at Bro Town Blizzard is concerned with the Brutosaur


Dude, it took me all of six weeks to come up with the 5 million. They gave us a year’s notice.


In all fairness this thread was created 4 days ago before he had the knowledge of it being removed

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Right, so this is the old thread… He’s still lying though to the point where he can’t even get his own story straight.

He claims the thread he made today was ‘seeking confirmation from a blue’ but it wasn’t. He already claimed that he had confirmation from Blizzard which was in the form of a GM message stating that the GM had no information on the Brutosaur other than that it was in the BMAH containers.

I called him out for that ‘evidence’ as it lacked any official identifying information that it was officially from Blizzard and didn’t have matching background colours or font styles to any official Blizzard communication. Honestly it looked like something he slapped together in MS Paint.

I didn’t look at it but ms paint is an art

This was his ‘evidence’.

The fonts don’t match anything that Blizzard uses, the font itself looks like garbage, and the background colour doesn’t match either.


carhagen you are clearly a white knight without a wage wannabe forum mod , why would i spread missinformation of something i want to obtain , you are part of the problem no wonder this game is gone to hell, you can easily make a ticket and ask a GM about it .
" but plz sir gm plz i dont wanna waste your valuable time sir so yes plz sir can you confirm this sir is this guy lying sir plz i dont wanna waste your time sir but plz remove the missinformation sir because honestly i love you sir , can i become mod now plz ?"

get a grip , buddy "ZOMG ima keep the forums drama free im such a paladin " i am Angry as a customer and a player i worked hard to get over 70 million G spread several characters among several servers to get my beloved brutosaur and getting an answer from a GM like that only fuels my rage and dissapointment .

Hell i am furious that i wont be able to get the mount i wanted to due some fishy shadow “fix” making me waste my precious time waiting on resets everyday while having to work , study and a family , all of my dedication for nothing .

If you got nothing to add to discussion leave the thread .


Oh but I do have something to add to the discussion. Which is calling you out for spreading misinformation.

You lied about having evidence, and the only reason you bumped this thread was because your lies were caught and your previous misinformation thread was 404d by the CMs.

You should have learned from your past mistake.

Don’t worry, I’m sure the CMs will 404 this one shortly as well.

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got plenty of time , plenty of anger and plenty of accounts and now motivation.

Keep making duplicate threads and Blizzard will silence every single one of them.

Do yourself a favour and stop lying.

By all means, be critical of Blizzard for things they’ve done. Go off. I’m livid right now with them for obvious reasons (lawsuit related), but don’t make up stuff just to add more drama to the pile.

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ill wait for your appolgy to @Nocttus i hope you feel like a tool for being so rude to them.


Tbh, the announcement of the removal of the brutosaur from the vendor was the first in a long string of decisions that started my path towards wanting to unsub.


Good for you! I’m not here to argue about how I spend my time in game. Thanks for your input and desire to be condescending! It’s certainly added a lot to the conversation and I hope it’s made your day much better!

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I will take what the GM said here with a grain of salt , while i make more tickets and hopefully a senior GM confirms it if i dont get a blue post , but seriously if they did removed it from rotation thats the final straw for me .

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5million gold isn’t easy unless you spent over $500