Brutosaur offers a clear advantage

Please all I want is the Moonkin Pet. I have a pet for every form in Druid except the moonkin.

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It’s more convenient but it’s not an advantage. Also I don’t have it, and while I have guildies who have one, I don’t often need to use theirs because I usually make sure I have enough of what I need to do for the content ahead of time.

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Stop letting people cancel auctions. Problem solved.

Or let them cancel auctions, but give them a cooldown the duration of the longest cancelation. Or something.

The big problem with brutosaurs is people using TSM addon and automating the AH/tradeskills. 24/7 non-stop.

The next one is going to be 20 mil

But people sure try! Even you! Your next statement:

You’re never more than 30s from a mailbox in this game.

So until you can convince me that 30s of access is so OP “it can’t be overstated” your argument fails.

What REALLY gets sold on the AH? Profession mats. BoEs from raid. Uhmmm… be honest, it’s a SHORT list.

And NONE of those things require IMMEDIATE access to the AH.

The only, and I mean the ONLY time, when time is of the essence, is the first 2-3 days/week of an expansion. You might make a SLIGHTLY stronger case there. But it’s still going to revert back to: you’re never more than 30s away from a mailbox.

I have a Bruto. It’s nice. A CONVENIENCE, sure. But absolutely nothing about it is game-changing. I’m fine with it coming back. etc etc… this isn’t about “I got mine.”

I can just be honest that it’s not THAT amazing. If you feel the need to list things every 9 seconds, the problem isn’t a lack of a Bruto, the problem is you’re abusing the game.


Idk. As I said earlier even IF I had the mount, when I was doing the most AH usage in SL playing like 10 tables, I still would never have used it because it’s faster to just have TSM automatically unload all my garbage onto a level 10 Vulpera in Org than to scan and post 10 times.

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What does the brutosaur have to do with that? They do that in any AH in the game, not just the mount.


I never said I splitting it up across a bunch of alts <.< I have one bank alt I mail everything to from all my toons.

being prepared can counter that atleast not like the key is a wild pokemon in the grass.

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You may as well be crying about wanting one if you want to take it away from others. If you can’t have it, then nobody can!

Does it provide convenience? Yes! Does it provide power, absolutely not.

Again convenience isn’t a big deal. If this vendor let you buy best-in-slot items for a cheaply earned currency every season that would be power and would be a big deal. It’s a mobile AH that was by Blizzard’s design a gold sink for those few players that could afford it; an encouragement to remove some gold from the game because it was only on offer for a limited time. Clearly such gold sinks are designed for a very small minority, so of course not everyone will have one (probably less than 10% actually bothered to get it).

You’re free to your opinion, but taking away what others have earned is not the way.


The downside of the brutosaur is all the impulse shopping.


I think you’re blowing this out of proportion. I think really the equivalent of the Brutosaur is literally big bag space. Just gather your resources in your large bags, and sell them later. I think the incentive people think of with the brutosaur is not wasting bag space running to and from the AH in a city, but I don’t think it is currently even a problem.


I’ve honestly never been somewhere that getting to an AH was a problem.

  1. Mages have portals to major cities.
  2. Each toon can have up to 3 hearths that let you get to an AH rather quickly (and there is an AH in Valdrakken!)
  3. I already have the Mammoth, so I don’t need it to sell trash items.

I mean I will admit, it is a bonus to be able to farm up mats like herbs or ore and just pop out the AH and post your haul when you fill up your bags. But for me personally, 5 million gold wasn’t something I was willing to spend to be able to get to an AH. In places without auction houses like Orbios, I saw (and still see) a lot of players with them out that everyone can use. Before DF was released it was common to see 2-3 of them up all the time in Orbios.


you can take that “solution” and shove it up a turkey’s butt


Your “solution” is bad and unnecessary. They’re not looking for a solution.


It’ll be added back when the addition serves a better purpose than its exclusion.

Be it subs, wow store income, in game gold sink, or streaming views or hype videos to help increase traffic.

Until then, it’s a QoL upgrade for a very small portion of the player base who now has the funds to get it (assuming no change in price) and didn’t catch it first time around. They gain little by adding it at this point.

The desirability and FOMO of this makes you log in for the next big thing and make sure you get it. I would argue that it’s exclusion outweighs its inclusion today…at least if forum topics were any indication.

This is coming from someone who doesn’t have it and makes most of his money from the AH.

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If you play the auction house it absolutely is a tangible advantage over competitors, but OP… you’re posting this here where most of the people have zero idea how that whole section of gameplay even works and, trust me, you’ll save wear on your cardiovascular system not trying to explain it.

A lot of people don’t understand that their tales are the equivalent of someone who has never stepped into M+, telling people in +27s what they should or shouldn’t care about and why.

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Blizzard doesn’t care I think, at least for upper management.

They did it again a year later:

They added another fomo mount that provides a monetary advantage, and most people didn’t notice, as its advantage wasn’t “revealed” until dragonflight. The reason for this, is that it didn’t give an in-game advantage until dragonflight with intentional integration with crafting reagents.

It is currently the primary source of a reagent for a crafting recipe, and botters are abusing it. People have made millions of gold running into walls all day with botting this limited-time fomo store mount since DF launch.

This comment I typed out seems almost like a faux parody, until you actually look into it enough and have actively monitored the market and what’s been going on in game.

What lessons do you think anyone has left to learn from you or the OP? You clearly saw the mount was an advantage and then, for whatever reason, didn’t get it.

Meanwhile, little old non-AH snob me who doesn’t use add-ons, was able to get the gold together to buy it in time, and now gets to listen to people like the OP whine about it.


The only way it should ever be brought back to a merchant is like this guy said. For 10m gold.

The gold cap should also stay 9,999,999 99 99

If the ever raise the gold cap, it should likewise raise to 1 copper above the new cap

They could change it up. DF Crafting Table+AH mount. There is no reason to re-release the same mount, they could effectively add back in another AH mount without it being bruto again.

Make it an actual dragon you ride this time.

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I actually think this is a good direction to goldsink goldsink mounts, similar to how glyphs work you should be able to upgrade your vendors with 1 time gold purchases, then you could continue to keep goldsinks active patch after patch