Brutosaur in CHINA REALMS

so basically in china wow tokens are worth $11 of USA money, and currently wow tokens there are worth about 300k per wow token so about 600k per $22
about $170 USD transferred onto paypal to buy the bruto via wow tokens in a china server. Meanwhile $1000 on a US realm to get it. IF we buy it on a china realm won’t it be on our mains here since mounts are shared BATTLENET wide and not accountwide which is how ur wow1 wow2 ect all share mounts?


Surely they will put it in the blizzard store (or an equivalent) for like ~$100?


wrong place to ask, go ask gm, and I am sure they will charge you the amount in USD, plus I dont think you can buy WoW token if you dont live there. even if they do they will adjust the amount i believe.

Yeah I hate to ruin your plan,but wow is region locked. So anything on a Chinese client is never going to be able to affect your us or EU account


ppl not in USA play usa realms and buy stuff in USA al lthe time while they are not living there, how come its so wrong for USA citizens to lol

People who play on NA realms while in CN are subject to NA pricing though.

They can’t just buy the tokens and sell them for 300k simply because they live in China, they gotta play on the Chinese realms.

still worth to buy on a china realm since no longer obtainable in shadowlands except for gold cap in BMAH

yes they are for wow token. and what Awkward said.

Yeh except if you get anything on one region it does not transfer to another region. So spend your $170 in CN, you still need to spend $1K on NA.


nah, just overall might move to China realms, they get a great bargain on wow tokens always at least x3 more the gold for HALF the price every xpac. Since blizz will always have gold sinks and a lot of exclusive stuff suck as the blizzard xoami red phones and the lich king statues + physical WC3R sets and such.

Sure, than earn less than half what you earn now and end up paying the same % of your wage for the tokens.

Moving to China because WoW tokens are worth more over there is one hell of a take, gotta admit.


how does playing china realms affect wages? also if u mean literally moving there, there are companies who have same pay no matter what country you transfer too.

Oh, move your character to China and you stay home. You don’t know how China works do you? You need to be a resident or citizen to get a QQ number, basically your Social Security or Centrelink number that shows you are a part of that country. Than you use that to login through to access their internet.

if only the USA did the same

LOL foxconn workers earn $2.50hr and have suicide netting…

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good luck playing on NA servers in China, when i was there i had to use a VPN to play (with 300 ping), otherwise the golden firewall made it 10,000

to add, i do believe you need a chinese ID in order to play on CN realms.

If I am not mistaken the Chinese, European and North American versions of WoW are all considered separate games. Even if you were able to link a Chinese account to your North American Battle Net account it wouldn’t sinc with your American WoW account since as I said the Bnet would see it as a separate game.

how were americans getting tyraels charger from china and korea then? BTW theres many who didn’t get the mount taken away because they had receipt and the item.

Blizzard only sells the mount on their asian site, however you can select the region to get it on US/EU as part of the checkout process… (subject to a 3 day delivery)…