Brutosaur in CHINA REALMS

They weren’t they gave it to people in NA who bought year long subs when D3 was released.

Edit: or what the fox said.

It doesn’t matter, we will never interact with Chinese realms ever, region lock.

nope the people who had gotten them like 1-2 years ago from china to the usa realm , a lot kept it.

So if Murphyzombie purchases a Brutosaur in the Chinese version of WoW,
he/she won’t be able to use it in the US/EU version of WoW.

So the only way to be able to use that Brutosaur is to play the Chinese version of WoW, but then you’d be losing all of your other mounts/mogs/pets/achieves etc.
Is Brutosaur really worth losing everything you’ve earned over the past expansion?

EDIT: And like some others are saying, you still seem to need something called a QQ number to log in.
So that means, if you can’t log in how are you going to even buy it.
Its an in-game mount. Or is Brutosaur purchasable on the Blizz Store in China?

China is not even run by Blizzard. It’s run by Netease and I believe requires a QQ number to sign up. It did when I was over there to study.

They are not connected.

Tokens are worth more on the Chinese servers as the in game shop has so much more, extra raid lockouts, tmog, mounts, char services ect

Then your brutosaur on Chinese realms isn’t going to be much of a feat or even uncommon. There will be so many of them there it would lose any cool factor

It’s value is not of NA realms

SOURCE??? what mog sets?? I checked theirs and there is 0 mog sets

Just look at the Chinese wow store its all available to be seen

nah, still wil lbe awesome to have even if u have to play their realms

You do realize that attempting to mass buy tokens to get a mount like the brutosaur on the Chinese realms will not work because you’ll tank the token price right? We literally just saw that right here. Token prices were stable, then the stimulus checks came in and suddenly the price tanks because folks thought they could use it to ‘cash in’ and get millions of gold.

It does not work that way.

I don’t think those additions would make the game very “awesome”.

Buying additional raid lockouts would show a few folks what P2W really is though.

Edit: Actually, thinking about it I don’t think they offer additional lockouts for sale any longer, I believe that stopped or else having Chinese teams on the leaderboard for the BfA raids would be a lie.

You want the USA to start censoring the internet? What’s wrong with you?


Yes, yes, buy more tokens and keep that market price super low so I can buy even more cheap tokens.

No, because China is like the European realms and only for China.

So you are totally separate, if playing Wow in China; There is no connection.

The only connected other realm is Australia, since originally there were not local servers there. So they were playing on NA, but it was called “oceanic.” Now, “oceanic” are actually in Australia, but because they were here it is still connected.

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300k per $10 usd of tokens is their tanked down wow token price, used to be a buttload higher aka double 600k per meaning for 20 usd 1.2mill lol

Can’t. Foreigners aren’t as allowed to game with china and vice versa. Report every Chinese player you see. It’s against the law over there. No I’m not joking.

They buy US game licenses. You can go ahead and maybe buy a Chinese game license but you aren’t going to be able to link it to your NA account.

How are you planning to communicate with your fellow Chinese players?

when SL launches ours will go way up

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