<Brutal Defiance> Recruiting Any/All!

Contacts: Brewsted - MikeDay#1752
Rolten - Rolten#1526

[Brutal Defiance] is a ‘newly formed’ Alliance guild on KT. We are not new to each other, but we are new to the server. We left a guild on the Archimonde server group for many reasons, number 1 the server being dead. We are now here in full swing trying to recruit people to our guild. We are more of a ‘casual’ style guild in a sense that we progress through content while still maintaining a friendly environment.

First and foremost, in this guild you are treated as a person, not an item level. If you can not simply keep up with the numbers during a raid, we simply ask that you work on it. This is a ‘yell free’ raid group. We have very minimal requirements for gear, being 15 item levels lower than the current content loot drops (385 Ilvl loot = 370 Ilvl to join etc…).

Second, we are not elitist. Most of us in guild have been there. Now that we are all adults with kids, families, jobs, etc… we feel it necessary to progress at a rate that works best for us. If you are unable to make a raid for whatever reason, we only ask that you let someone know. There is no serious consequences for missing a raid, life happens.

Third, and most important, this is a game. As adults, we all understand that this is a virtual community made of friends. We are here to progress, but to have fun as well. If we can not have fun, and this starts to feel like a job, then why play?


  • Be Respectful and have a Good Attitude. We are not breeding elite cutting edge raiders to play this game on a professional level. Also, please understand that there are many different ethnicity and genders that play in our group. It is unfortunate that this has to be stated, but, Racism/Sexism will not be tolerated on any level.

  • Have a good knowledge and understanding of your class and spec. Although we will not call you out for being ‘bad’, we will however ask you to fix any issues and be open to help.

  • Gems/Enchants are needed for gear. This just simply helps you with your stats and makes your overall numbers better. We will provide these things as best we can, but do ask for contribution.

  • Please come to raid prepared. We will provide some of the essentials as best we can, but not having certain things like re-roll tokens and pre-pots/flasks only slow down the time we get to progress.

  • Discord is a must. We don’t require you to speak if you feel it unnecessary, but we do require you to have discord downloaded and be in it during event times.

Raid Times:

  • Tuesday 5:30pm MST - 8:00pm MST (Progression)

  • Wednesday 5:30pm MST - 8:00pm MST (Progression)

  • Sunday 6:00pm MST - 8:00pm MST (Clean up/Alt fun-run)

Please contact us in game if you are interested via Mail/RID. We would love to have a bigger group and more diversity among us. If nothing else, an extra person to have tag along just to have fun!