Broodtwister ovinax

Broodtwister ovinax on mythic is a overtuned and horrible boss. The swirlies spawning while you have to break the eggs and just stand there and die. This is the 5th boss not even an end boss. Completly brain dead and dumb. Lazy, incompetent, boring


It’s the “difficulty is ramped up” first in line boss. It’s never pretty.


The forums are strictly for complaining about mythic+ difficulty only.


Boss 100% has too much HP it should have been nerfed by 15% already maybe even more, you shouldn’t have to 3 heal to make the DPS check.

When they increased the time you get to break the eggs, they didn’t account for how that overlaps with vile discharge going out. It lines up pretty badly, especially on the first break set of each section.

Given that the players breaking the eggs need to be pretty static, they should probably throw in a protection against the vile discharge while you have incubation.

Hoping to give this issue a bump, the overlap with eggs breaking and swirls going out at the same time is miserable. For our prog we would consistently have to sacrifice ourselves to a swirly while doing breaks on eggs completely covered in swirlies.

Even pre-baiting the swirlies away is beyond difficult, there’s under 1 second between the swirlies spawning and egg breaks in some overlaps.

This boss isnt difficult, just needs its members to understand the fight. #skillissue

My guild 5 healed it on our first clear. Your guilds dps need to look up their rotations more

Your guild hasn’t even touched Mythic, maybe you should take your own advice.


I 300% mised the word mythic. My bad

This whole interaction is wild AF. But then again, I’m amazed Heroic Raiders can even read TBH (this is a joke).


Boss feels like a regular 5th boss to me, it’s just a huge jump from the previous 4 that were significantly undertuned compared to what’s typical, especially the 4th.

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I’ve done this boss for 2 hours and it’s already made me quit Mythic Raiding. A half designed boss that requires the community to sort it out to have some semblance of being doable, horrible overlaps, far too much to do, and just a constant cluster-f. It seems blizzard is going towards the “punish everyone in all forms of content” route again.

I can appreciate the devs giving us a ‘choose your own adventure’ boss in regards to your break order. But the way its handled on mythic with the puddle overlaps going on is… not great.

My guild was just weak aura progging for about 3 hours and decided to just go do Princess instead and come back to this miserable boss later.

Holy moly, I do not like Broodtwister.

I hate Mythic Ovinax for the sheer fact that reclears for the last 3 weeks has been troubleshooting weakauras for 10 pulls to then do a full 8 to 9 minute fight. It gives big Echo and Fyrakk vibes. What should have been a “pad adds for happy chemical” fight is ruined by oppressive mechanics that need weakauras perfectly synced and setup amongst the raid.

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My guild absolutely slaughters this boss on our reclears now, but Blizzard seriously needs to do something about Mythic Broodtwister ASAP.

Problem is, I don’t know what Blizzard can do, sans making this boss a 3-minute boss. You need more CC/grips for Parasites than what the majority of guilds still progging the boss can realistically bring, the fight’s visual clarity is awful at times, add fights like this can just fundamentally lead to performance issues (how has Blizzard not learned this lesson by now???), and on top of all this it throws out a mechanic that, if you mishandle it outside of the absolute end of the fight depending on how good your group’s DPS is, you wipe and there is zero coming back from it.

Broodtwister is such a disaster of a fight. I enjoy it to some degree, but I’m also privileged because I was able to just swap to a similarly-geared Frost DK and my guild has a lot of DK mains/alts and two insane Fury Warriors to ensure Parasites are never an issue. I have no idea how a late-CE guild could even hope to kill this boss in its current state.

This fight has a high personal responsibility req imo.

Main points of failure: missed interrupt, missed egg break (some addon nonsense here), and dying to swirlies.

The obvious changes that wouldn’t absolutely neuter this boss are likely reduced number vile discharges and increasing the base cast time on worms to allow more lee-way in 3rd pie-slice to allow for backup kicks as well.

I find this fight very fun overall, and don’t really think it needs many changes imho. As others have mentioned, i think bosses 1-4 are largely under-tuned in comparison.

i honestly disagree that at this point in the tier that there is much personal responsibility on this fight, aside from the person dropping markers on eggs. weakauras that communicate with MRT hold your hand on this fight so much that if anyone’s is not working it will be the reason you wipe. our guild probably spent all in all 2 raid nights on this fight making sure peoples weakauras were working in tandem with MRT and markers were being setup properly.
this is a horrible boss to prog on cause it takes so long to get real pulls on the boss after setting it up.

we also had to end raid 30 minutes early one time cause everyone in the raid was experiencing lag on this fight only

Personally I’d be happy with the boss if they’d just fix the frame rate. I’m usually 40+ until the parasites spawn, then I get to as low as 3 fps. I’ve turned off addons like details and elvui with the 3d models. It didn’t help. Making a boss unplayable for people who have even semi old PCs =/= hard.