Brokers = Racist cultural appropriation

Same here, despite being born in America, my father’s family is somewhat Italian and i don’t find Goblins offensive either.

Edit: i had to clear that one up when i say “roots”.


It’s threads like these that force me to spend way too much money on popcorn.

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Guess we need to take away the accent from the Trolls


Sargeras is racist towards planets clearly.


But he is a planet.

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If twitter has taught me nothing else, people can be racist to their own race.

What bugs me is I don’t know how you can unironically do that :man_shrugging:


Troll post, yet somehow immune to getting reported -.-

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To be 100% honest, i’m always confused by that whenever it’s bought up, because whenever i watch Episode 1, i never got that vibe there. Maybe that flew over my head when i was a child watching and when i watch it again as an adult few odd years ago or so, i might have to check that movie out again.

I’m gonna hazard to guess it’s those green aliens in royal red clothes everybody talks about? i forgot their names, because all i remember is the plot, lightsaber battles, the ship battle, darth maul, those robot battles, pod racing, and the fact that it’s a pretty good level to start off with in Battlefront 1 (the good ones), as well staring 2 good games off of the movie. (Pod Racer and Lego Star wars).

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No, that was Argus. Sargeras really did have an agenda to kill all the worlds/ world souls.

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I’m not Arabic - but that stereotype is certainly perpetuated here. As for that whole "you’re the racist for associating these things " argument, call it off. Stereotypes are spread quite thickly for through American media, and trying to just play that off is being ignorant.

It’s an accent that has been associated with shady dealings - take the narrator in Aladin for instance. It’s bloody gross.

OP’s right. Blizzard’s just relying on cultural o to try and give an idea of what this culture is like without saying anything - and that SUCKS.

It’s up there with dwarves being short, drunk, and having Irish accents, the grummles…there’s examples everwhere. It’s like the comedian del arte except with racism.


“Racism” bait threads are a protected class on GD


Because it already was, then it got flagged and a forum mod manually removed the flag because apparently there’s nothing wrong with it.
I bet the same mod was the one that deleted my comment saying blizzard was incompetent on someone else’s post a few days ago.


You are racist. I see a broker.

You should never explore the real World, it is way to dangerous.
I think it is best, for your safety, that you stay home and pay your taxes.

Thank you.

Secretly reporting to the Government that this person is going abroad to establish ‘contact’ with other ‘pseudo human being’ and might be an ‘agitation agent’ of a foreign power or shady organizations.


I think this is the root of this whole post.


That might be a giant of a reference.


I’m glad I don’t look for something to be outraged by in everything I see.


It was already flagged into oblivion a while ago. A mod restored it, so it can’t be flagged again.

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ctrl+F Tauren
try harder.

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There’s a mod with some kind of mental deficiency that just randomly deletes posts without saying why or the rest of any conversation.

They just kinda curate dialog as they see fit.