"Broken Web" - Can't pick up. Can't turn in, "A Little Pruning" and "Spriggan Snares"

I cant turn in any of these 2 quests, theres no npc to turn in too! Blizz please address!

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Abandoning A Little Pruning and picking it up again fixed for me.

Still bugged.

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still bugged for me as well. nice one blizz

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If you’ve completed 2 of the quests, and have no one to turn “Sprigging’s snares” in to, the only solution is to quest sync with a player who hasn’t finished it, upon accepting the quest sync he’ll spawn in the location he originally does, giving you the opportunity to turn in the quest.

Hope this helps someone.

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had no trouble picking them up, I just can’t turn them in…

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Same here. at the turn in for ‘Broken Web’, ‘Sprigging Snares’ , and A Little Pruning all still bugged for turn in

Same thing. I have all three quests done and no place to turn them in. There is a group of 10 people standing around me just waiting. This is ridiculous.

BLIZZARD PLS FIX THIS :slight_smile: please please pretty please.

There were people commenting on this back during beta like 5 months ago on wowhead so I’m assuming Blizz has been notified in the past but that makes me worry that it won’t be addressed anytime soon.

So my fiance and I got all 3 quests, no turn in. I read that starting Spriggan Snares was what was despawning him… so I abandoned all three and only grabbed Broken Webs and A Little Pruning. Once I finished one of them and turned it in, he despawned again. So I had to abandon the other and start over AGAIN. Then finally after finishing that, I start Spriggan Snares and yet again, no turn in guy. Can’t find him anywhere. tried everything, logging out, logging in, abandoning and starting over again. This guy is just GONE. We would love to be able to progress further in the campaign… :C

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This is ridiculous, these are required campaign quests and I can’t hand in any of the 3.

I turned in the Broken Web quests now and can’t get the guy to show back up.

This! I had to do one quest 3 times just to get all of this done because the turn in guy despawned after every single quest that was turned in. Ugh.

The only work around I have found it to do each quest separately. So if you pick them all you have to abandoned the others after turning one in because he despawns.

I just opened a ticket about the issue.
On the ui the support icon status msg is showing:
“Average ticket wait time: 11 Days 8 Hr”

That most likely is because we all have a ticket open about this.

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Same problem here, I sadly did the other two quests now there is no way for me to turn in the 3rd quest because he despawned before I could turn it in.

I had the same problem in Nax as well with a quest I had to abandon because I did the whole tower and saved something for last and now the guy is gone.

Seriously what is with de-spawning the quest giver!

OKAy so…I left the garden for a bit, came back and he spawned but I was only able to get 2 quests turned in before he despawned again. Maybe try that? Spriggan Snares was the one I couldn’t turn in…

Spriggan snares issue here too :confused: I just wanna do my campaign

As do us all. Veryt frustrating my ALT has a higher renown than my main.

I have the same problem. I had the 3 Quests done and no NPC to turn into. I accepted a Dungeon queue, completed it, and when I came out the NPC was there and I was able to turn in 2 quests then it de-spawned. I still can’t turn in Spriggan Snares.